Thursday, March 17, 2011

Inside Natalie's Closet: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Did you do anything fun? Green pancakes? Gold coins left by leprechauns?

I didn’t.

I know. Bad Mom. I figured the school would do something.

However, I did ensure that my kids wore green so they wouldn’t get pinched. Tommy went to school in a green polo.

Natalie went to school in this:

Yup. She’s wearing heels. Like Suri Cruise. Only Natalie’s are plastic and not $2000. (She did not go to school with the plastic heels.)

The shirt is Gymboree, the skirt is from Gap. Heels from Toys R Us, headband from the dollar spot at Target.

At first she wasn’t keen on taking pictures. She ignored me.

Then I got her to turn around and she was trying hard to act mad.

“I’m not taking anymore pictures today,” she informed me.

Two seconds later she was like, “Guess what? I WILL take pictures!” Her moods change so quickly.

She rushed over and was like, “I’m here!”

Then she asked if I was going to run into the side of the house to get her to smile.

“Not today. How about we smile just because we want to? You have to practice. School pictures are Monday and you can’t very well ask the photographer to run into a wall,” I explained.

Natalie is like, “Um. This is not computing…so this means no running into the side of the house to get me to smile?”

“Show me how you’re going to smile for the photographer!” I urged.


“Natalie, you have to open your eyes.”

“Er....while it’s awesome to have fun, when it’s time for school pictures you need to just smile.”

“Yes, like that.”

She started to dance to beat of her own drum.

And then she started to smile on her own. I mean, yes, I might have had to make farting noises but still....

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Celebrate with a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds. Or if green milkshakes aren’t your thing, go with chocolate. You can never go wrong with chocolate.

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