Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To eat at Hooters with the kids. Some people are all, “HOW could you do this?” Um? Because we like the chicken wings?

To be amazed at what people give up for Lent. Some people give up Facebook. Others give up sweets (I’d die.) Someone else is giving up soda. (Again. I’d. Totally. Die.)

To still think those oversized sunglasses make a person look like a walking bug.

To not have cared who The Bachelor picked. I give it two months. Three at the most. That Brad dude just creeps me out.

To still not watch Glee. I know. I’m probably the last person out there to not watch the show. Maybe over the summer I’ll rent the first season on Netflix.

To feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. She seems like a nice woman but I’ll pass on the cookbook. This has nothing to do with her, it’s just, I hate to cook ;) She’s welcome to come cook for me or attempt to teach me how to cook better. Might make for an amusing reality show.

To have finished my second book that I’ve written called Being Anne Boleyn. I’m still searching for an agent. Know any agents who represent chick lit? Getting a book published is like getting Charlie Sheen to shut his trap, I’m figuring out. I refuse to give up. I know there is an agent out there for me.

To watch that show Sister Wives. I could never share my husband but hey, if other women want to do it, so be it. I’ll just sit back and watch the train wreck. (The newest wife? Ew. Cody’s hair? Double ew.)

To wish I could go over to Japan to help out. It’s horrible what has happened.

To wish I owned a peacoat in every color. I love absolutely love peacoats.

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