Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To think Martha Stewart is a little crazy. I don’t want to make a basket out of sticks or candles out of leaves, thanks.

To not understand why the media keeps saying that Kate Middleton led a regular life. Um, her parents are millionaires. That’s not regular to me. Regular would be a middle class family who couldn’t afford to send their kids to private schools. I get she’s still a commoner but she definitely isn’t “regular” to me.

To love sucking on minty things. (Cue inappropriate joke here.)

To really enjoy Army Wives even though military life isn’t really like that. I wouldn’t be able to traipse around constantly with the general’s wife with my husband being a Staff Sergeant. I mean, I COULD, but it really wouldn’t be appropriate.

To love watching ghost shows even though they tend to freak me out.

To want to say, “Heavenly Father wants you to shut your trap and keep it in your pants,” if Bill Henrickson (from Big Love—a show about polygamists) were my husband. (And no, I haven’t seen the final season, I don’t have HBO but yes, I know what happens because I’m too impatient for the DVDs to come out next year and looked it up online..)

To love the site damnyouautocorrect.com—I almost fell out of my chair once from laughing so hard.

To not enjoy the new judges on American Idol. They need to change the show to Overly Friendly Judges or See Jennifer Lopez Cry. Although I am rooting for the dude who has both Aspergers and Tourettes.

To have finally gotten some Thin Mints on Saturday. They are almost all gone today.

To keep my nine-year-old son in a booster seat and not allow him to sit up front until he’s 13. He gets to drop the booster seat when he’s ten but it’s safer for him to be in one seeing as he’s only 52 pounds.

To really need to make a meme (that’s what it’s called, right?) for Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday. I’ll have to pay someone to do that, I suck at HTML. I’ve been known to cry and curse if I try to figure it out on my own.

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