The one of Suri Cruise sucking on a pacifier when she’s almost five?
Did you know it’s upsetting many people?
Did you know it doesn’t upset me?
I don’t know, because I didn’t push Suri from my vagina. Because she's not mine. Therefore, what OTHER parents do is their own business.
Some people don’t seem to comprehend this. I call these people Crazy. They are most likely part of the same group that makes other mothers feel bad about not breastfeeding, cringe if you admit that you use Pampers and NOT cloth diapers, and positively look as though they are going to vomit everywhere when you say you buy Gerber baby food instead of making your own.
Basically, the Crazy group bugs me. A lot. It’s fantastic to have opinions but making another parent feel bad about their choices? Not okay.
I breastfed both of my kids. But if I couldn’t or simply didn’t want to, that should be okay.
I used disposable diapers. Usually whatever brand was on sale.
I did not make my own baby food. Gerber was my friend.
And I circumcised my son, which made a few of the women I knew upset. They’d send me links on why circumcision wasn’t necessary and I’d reply, “Great, thanks, still having it done. Have a lovely day!" Some people out there (the Crazies) just won’t take no for an answer.
These are the people who are getting their panties (or boxers) in a knot over the Suri Cruise photo.
My advice? Chill. Suri is not your kid. Focus on your own. And if you don’t even have kids, just know it tends to annoy other parents when non-parents give advice if not asked for any.
The Cruise’s can afford to fix Suri’s teeth if the pacifier messes them up.
If Suri sprains her ankle on the high heeled shoes she wears (this also tends to infuriate The Crazies), so be it.
Honestly, the kid walks in high heels better than I can.
It’s okay to give advice but if the advice isn’t taken...it’s not the end of the world.
It’s not.
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