Friday, October 22, 2010

Romantic Bits

Look, you have to understand that Tom isn’t the most romantic person in the world.

His idea of romance is to say, “You look nice.” Only, he doesn’t exactly look at you when he says it, he’s usually in front of the computer and tosses the compliment over his shoulder.

I’ve tried to get him to watch The Notebook a number of times and he’s just made fun of Noah and asked where he balls went. “Maybe they blew off when he went to war,” Tom said bluntly and I didn’t speak to him for three hours after that.

He loves to buy cards and not write a thing in them. He’s all, “Why should I write in the card when the message on it is what I think?” I can’t tell you how often he’d hand me a card in high school with nothing in it. I’d open and close it, twisting it left and right, searching for Tom’s message. Then I’d ask him about it at lunch and he’d tap the front of the card. “My message is right there.” “Yes but,” I said slowly. “You haven’t personalized it.” I should have known then what I was getting into.

Lately he’s been writing in cards because he knows if he doesn’t that I’ll say something.

So when a card came in the mail, I wasn’t sure if anything would be in it.

He joked on Skype that he had sent a card, but nothing was in it. “I don’t have to worry about you complaining in person about no writing so I didn’t bother,” he said.



He WROTE in the card.

And he was romantic about it!

And then, a couple days later, I got personalized M&Ms in the mail. He made them himself. Well, not completely, he didn’t like MAKE MAKE them. He just ordered them. But he put his own messages on. (The messages are “I love you,” “Forever Yours,” “Always With You,” and “I miss you.”)

“What made you think to send me candy?” I asked him on Skype as I munched on the M&Ms.

“Oh. I was eating my M&Ms and saw the ad on the back of them. I thought, why the hell not,” Tom answered and then let out a tiny burp.

Ahh, how sweet.

Why the hell not followed by a belch.

Still, I’ll take it.

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