Sunday, October 31, 2010

50's Halloween Sock Hop Revisited

Sunday, October 31: Creepy, Crawly Creations

Create a post describing something that you’ve created for Halloween. Anything qualifies…costumes, recipes, crafts, party invites, treats, decorations, whatever you can come up with!  Well, I bowl on a league and Mike, the alley owner always has a big Halloween Party the Saturday night nearest here we are...the 50's revisted girls.  It was great fun to revist a time from my early past.  I was born in the 50's and was 6 years old when they I am more a product of the 60's but the 50's have always had a draw for me.  I love the concept of soda shops, sock hops, penny loafers, and so get my drift.  Happy Halloween to you all....and Happy Birthday Ann, Debbie, and Stan....all my friends who were born on Halloween.

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