Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Me and You Giveaway!

My blogging anniversary is in just 9 days.  I am so excited.  I never knew when I started this in 2007 that it would become such an important part of my life.  I have enjoyed having this outlet to vent frustrations, share my faith, tell about my family and friends and just meet some really cool people.  I am going to draw for the prize winner on Halloween.  The basket is modge podged(I did not get it done for my picture) and it will be filled with all kinds of goodies:  a book, some music, foodie items, and surprises.  It is simple to enter. If you are a follower...bang you have one entry.  If you tell about my giveaway on your blog....bang yet another entry.  If you leave a comment...bang another entry.  If you don't want to be a follower...that is fine....just leave me a comment...and you still have a shot at the prize.  The winner will be announced on Halloween night.  When you are notified I will need a snail mail address so I can get it packed up and in the mail to you....unless you are Trina....then I will just walk it across the hall!  Good luck to all and may the best man/woman win!

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