Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Randomly Speaking

It is that time again.....time for Random Dozen over at 2nd Cup of Coffee with Linda. The prompts for this week were sort of tough and some were tongue in cheek.  I could not make up my mind which way to go.  I hope you enjoy my answers....think of a few of your own and check out some of the other participants.

1. Describe the best sandwich in the world, according to you. That is an easy one....I have two and don’t want to slight either. My two favorites are: `Russo’s Italian Sub in West Palm Beach, Florida...and Geno’s in Philadelphia’s Philly Cheese. Both Sandwiches would make you want to slap your momma.
2. Which inspires you more: a good conversation, a song, a book or movie? Yes…oh this is not a yes/no question….a good conversation or a good song get my motor running.
3. What is your favorite board game? Cranium or Song Burst. I can actually win one of these.
4. As you grow older, are you more or less patient with small children? I am a big kid kind of person. I don’t teach elementary aged children for a reason.
5. Name one item you never let yourself run out of. Diet Coke
6. Do you agree with Tennyson's assertion, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?" Yes I do. I think life would be very sad if you had never had the opportunity to love someone in your lifetime.
7. Name one national treasure or monument that you have visited. Wow…remember I have been to 48 of the 50 states….the Washington Monument, Arlington National Cemetary….and all the other stuff in Washington would have to be my answer. I love D.C.
8. Which is more painful, to be disappointed in someone else or to be disappointed in yourself? It is more painful to me to be disappointed in myself.
9. What makes your kitchen uniquely yours? Kitchen? Is that what they call that room with the keeper of the drinks?
10. Are you a crafty person? Yes…I love to create stuff.
11. What is your favorite traditional picnic or bbq (cookout) food? Ribs!!!!!!!!!
12. Name one leisurely activity you enjoyed over Labor Day Weekend. Frank and I went exploring in the Anniston area.  We had a great day...just being together and laughing over the stupidest things.

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