You settle down to have a nice conversation with your husband, who is in Korea.
He appears to be listening.
But then he does this:
“Tom!” I said, annoyed. “Stop it!”
It’s really difficult to have a conversation with someone who has access to all sorts of buttons to jazz up his web cam.
So he turns back into himself and I start saying how Natalie wouldn’t listen to me and how Tommy’s version of cleaning his room was shoving everything into one corner of it.
“And then Glen keeps eating the tree,” I continued with a sigh.
Tom frowned which confirmed that yes, he was following along with what I was saying. Sometimes I’m not always sure.
“Who is Glen?” he wondered and he seemed....jealous?
Um. Seriously? Did he think Glen was a human being? Even though I mentioned that he was eating the tree? I would certainly hope that a person wouldn’t eat my tree. I mean, you do have those people who like, eat nature, but still.
“Glen. The antelope,” I sighed which lead me to believe that he wasn’t even listening whenever I ranted about Glen.
“Oh.” Tom relaxed.
“So anyhow, Natalie barely listens to me and—TOM!”
I yelled because Tom did this:
So I said something that made no sense. “I’m going to take that away from you!” Yeah, how exactly would that work? And plus, if I took it away how would we talk? But I wish I could block those web cam features.
Tom took off the cat and I got the privilege of watching him eat his lunch. Sushi. Yuck. I was impressed with how well he used the chopsticks though.
“My throat was a little sore the other day, I’m getting over a cold,” I said.
“Ahh,” Tom said, but not sympathetically. “I watched the new Robin Hood movie. It was pretty good.”
Sometimes I feel like he’s not LISTENING to me. The only time that I feel that he is, I’m usually naked.
“That’s great but did you hear me? Sore throat? Ouch?”
Tom put his chopsticks on his head like they were his antennae. “That stinks.”
“Tom,” I groaned. “If you don’t pay attention, I’m going to take a picture of you doing that and post it on my blog.”
Tom took the chopsticks down.
“You really ought to be tested for ADD,” I said. “Oh, your Fine Scale Modeler magazine came in, do you want me to mail it?”
Up came the antennae again.
So I kept my promise of posting the photo on my blog.
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