In 2007, the inaugural “Champions of Hope” event was held with Sandi McCool as chairperson. Three hundred participants were anticipated, but double that amount attended. The event grew even more last year, with more than 1,000 attending and $75,000 in donations raised. Sandi believes it’s important to keep the funds local, and they’ll ultimately help breast cancer patients with needs like acquiring wigs, transportation, daycare during chemo treatments, financial assistance, nurturing, and support services. “Champions of Hope,” like all worthwhile causes, is a group effort, with volunteers whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer. I know several women and a couple of men who have fought and won against breast cancer. It has amazed me at the high number of people who are touched in some way by this dreaded disease....October is National Breast Cancer Month....and if you are a woman....get a mammogram....if you know a woman....encourage her to get one. It might save her life.....it is a proven fact that the earlier the disease is diagnosed the better the prognosis.
If you are a walker...walk in one of the walks....my daughter Kat walked in a 60 mile walk in Atlanta two years ago for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. I have never been so proud of her in my life. I was curious about Susan G. Komen and so I looked her up....I wondered...was she a real person or just a name given to a foundation.....I found out that in 1982, "Nancy Brinker established the Susan G. Komen Foundation after a promise to her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer. Since its inception, the nonprofit has raised over $1.5 billion for research, education and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen has more than 75,000 volunteers nationwide, 122 affiliates in the United States (47 of 50 states), and 3 affiliates in other countries. The organization has resulted in the development of many new treatment options and a higher quality of life overall for breast cancer patients and long-term survivors. Brinker served as founding chairman of the organization, supervising all aspects of initial growth. This past year, On December 2, 2009, Brinker was appointed the CEO of the organization and also pioneered a marketing strategy that is allowing millions to participate in the fight against breast cancer through businesses that share Komen's commitment to end the disease." But....I am sitting here right now....so very proud of Sandi Thurman McCool....I am proud that she is out there fighting for Breast Cancer Awareness. It would be real easy to sit back and let someone else do it....but not her...she has always been a fighter....and fight she does. WTG Sandi...and any other survivor. You guys rock! You are Champions of Hope in my book anyday!
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