Wednesday, November 18, 2009

They're Back!

I wait for them every year.

They are amazingly delicious.

They go fantastically with crackers.

They are....

(Tom looks high with the cheese ball because A) he doesn't like smiling for pictures which stinks because today we have our family photos and I'd rather he didn't look high and B) because he didn't get why I had to take a picture of him with a cheese ball.)


I had a hair appointment yesterday at the mall so when I saw the Hickory Farms stand set up my heart started to race.

I had been waiting for them for weeks.

I would even say to my husband Tom, “Aren’t you excited about the cheese balls?”

Then he would be crass and reply, “I wish you were just as excited about ANOTHER pair of balls,” and he’d gyrate his body at me.


Anyhow, when I saw the stand, I rushed over and went, “It’s here!” I meant to just think it but I get a case of verbal diarrhea when I’m excited sometimes. The worker was amused. She smirked at me and went, “Can I help you with something?”

I headed straight for the cooler where all the cheese balls are kept. Hello cheese balls. Remember me? I picked up an original one and a sharp cheddar one. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to grab them myself because when I picked them up, the worker made a strange noise and went, “I’ll get those for you.” I wanted to say, “It’s okay. I’m not germy. I don’t have swine flu. I’m just in love with these balls.”

But that probably would have sounded wrong.

I got my hair done after that. This always takes awhile because I have so much hair. The stylist ran her fingers through my hair and went, “It’s so thick!”

It’s also unruly. It’s only cooperative when expensive creams go into it but I’m sorry, I’m not about to drop thirty bucks for cream. So unruly hair it is.

I had my root re-touched. I’m supposed to come in every six weeks to do this.

I usually come in around every 4-6 months.


The thing is, I already have gray hair. I get that from my Dad (thanks, Dad) whose hair started to turn gray when he was 17. But since I don’t come in to get them colored every 6 weeks, they start to pop out and people are all, “What are you doing with gray hair already?” and I’m say quite plainly, “Genetics. And mouthy children and husbands.”

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