Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So I Saw New Moon....

Well, I did it.

I was a little afraid, I’m not going to lie.

I went to see New Moon.

I did enjoy reading the books. Sometimes when I write about being terrified of the Twihards, people think that I hated the books. I didn’t. I thought the plot was original and they were entertaining. But I just couldn’t get into the hoopla. I saw Twilight and nearly passed out from laughing so hard. It was terrible.

Amanda and I decided to see New Moon at one. We figured that the teenagers would be in school so that it would be a safe time.

“We just have to worry about the adults,” I said to Tom before I left.

He made a face. “That’s pretty sad…”

“I know.”

Natalie latched onto my leg as I tried to go.

“Mommy will be back,” I promised and unlatched her. I gave her a hug and a kiss and distracted her by saying, “Look, here comes creepy Brobee!” and she whirled around and rushed to the television where Brobee was being all around weird.

I picked up Amanda and we headed to the theater. I was a little nervous that it would still be busy. I pictured a thousand of my Neighborhood Twilight Crazies waiting around for the movie, all clad in Edward t-shirts. This thought freaked me out.

Lucky for us, the theater wasn’t busy.

I got my delicious popcorn slathered in butter. Whenever I’m asked, “Do you want butter on the popcorn?” I always want to say, “Yes! It tastes like Styrofoam without it.”

Before the movie started there were tons of previews.

I know I want to see The Lovely Bones.

Then a preview came on about a movie called It’s Complicated and I saw a flash of John Krasinski. Ahh, John Krasinski. Now he's a man to get excited over. (Although I would never wear a shirt with his face on it.)

Then the movie started.

And, okay, I nearly choked on my diet coke in the beginning of the movie when Edward started walking towards Bella. His shirt blew open, he had a pinched expression on his face...the first thought that came to my mind was, “Ew run!”

Then whenever Edward spoke this cheesy music would be tinkering in the background. When he was all, “This will be the last time you’ll ever see me,” I was thinking, “If he said that to me, I’d have been all, ‘Okay great. I’d rather be with someone who wasn’t as cold as ice anyhow. Bye!’”

When Jacob first took off his shirt a few grown women made some inappropriate sounds. Grown women! The guy is 17. Suppose that were YOUR son? Would you want grown adults making noises over him? Anyhow, that gave me the giggles. And it freaked me out at the same time.

The movie was better than Twilight , I’ll give it that. But I didn’t consider it to be this great movie. A League of Their Own was a great movie. Not this one.

Will I see Eclipse? Probably. I’ll wait to see it like I did this one.

Will I continue to be afraid of the Twihards? Oh, without a doubt.

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