Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Limited Visibility

So it was Friday morning and there was a problem.

Tom couldn’t get to the airport to pick up his mother who had just flown in to spend a couple of days with us.


Because the roads were closed thanks to the snowstorm we had the day before.

“Why are they closed? I have a truck! I’ll be fine,” Tom kept fuming.

“Er, well the news says that roads are closed due to blowing snow and limited visibility,” I explained.

Tom waved a hand in the air dismissively. “That’s nothing. I’ll be fine.”

I blinked at him. “So you can still see even though there is limited visibility? Are you like a superhero or something? You could be called SuperBoy ‘N Truck,” I joked. I thought it was funny and laughed.

Tom did not. He just started to pace. “I have to find a way out there. There’s got to be some way.” He checked the map online that told him what roads were open and closed. All the alternate routes were still closed. “Why won’t they open the roads? I’ll be fine!” he kept moaning.

“Blowing snow and limited visibility,” I reminded him.

“That’s nothing!” Tom said again.

He’s not afraid to drive in anything, you see.

An hour later he checked the map.

“My alternate route is open! I’m off,” Tom said, grabbing his coat.

I checked the map and saw that the road was open but that it stated that it was icy with blowing snow and yes, limited visibility.

“Wait!” I called out as he was about to walk out the door.

“What?” He was obviously annoyed.

“I’m just...worried. What if you get hurt?”

Tom rolled his eyes. “I won’t. I have four wheel drive. I’ll be fine.” He leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

“But...” I started to argue.

“Amber. I’m going. What’s your problem?” Tom demanded.

I sighed. “Maybe I just love you, you idiot! I don’t want you to get hurt!” (And yes, I totally took the line “I love you, you idiot” from Gilmore Girls. I love using lines from the show. Sometimes I’ll shout, “Oy with the poodles already!”)

Anyhow, Tom said that he’d be fine and left.

I worried for him.

But he was okay. Tom really is a good driver. He said some roads were rough but that his truck got through it.

Later that night we carved the pumpkins.

After Tom finished the first one, he said he had a great idea for the second.

I thought it would be something sweet from the way he winked at me. Maybe he’d carve in the worlds “I love you!”

But no.

He made this:

He laughed at it for about five minutes.

“A barfing pumpkin. Hahaha. Maybe he ate Amber's cooking," Tom said.

I gave him a Look and reminded him that hey, I made a mean bowl of spaghetti...

So there.

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