Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Sad Buckeyes

“Well, there goes the good cook,” I sighed as Tom’s Mom left. She had stayed a few days and yes, she did make a few things. She made me her potato salad. Oh, and these:

Those would be sad buckeyes and chocolate dipped peanut butter Ritz crackers.

I call them sad buckeyes because they weren’t quite working properly since we used margarine instead of regular butter.

(Look. Here’s a picture of a Sad Buckeye with eyes.

It’s all, “Hello! I may look pathetic but I’m still tasty!”)

I ate the sad buckeyes anyway. I couldn’t let them go to waste.

I may have also eaten the leftover melted chocolate that we dipped the things in.

What, like I’m going to dump out perfectly good chocolate?

Anyhow, it was a nice visit with Tom’s Mom.

Natalie took a few days to warm up to her. She’s like that with adults. Like when Tom’s Mom first got here she played shy. Oh, she allowed Tom’s Mom to admire her from afar—but if she got to close, she gave her a warning stare. Come any closer, and I’ll bite!

Actually, she doesn’t really bite.

Well, unless you tell her that you will not put in Snow White for her to watch for the thousandth time.

But she can look quite scary when she wants to.

On the day before Tom’s Mom was set to leave, Natalie decided that she’d allow her to touch her.

So she started to do this:

She’s all, “You’ve been granted permission to touch me. Be thrilled. Now you must catch me.”

She shared herself with everyone that night.

Daddy also had to catch her:

Then I had to catch her.

We’ll all miss her.

Hurry back, Grandma. We already miss your potato salad.

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