Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving?


How in the world am I supposed to make Thanksgiving dinner when the second I turn around, Natalie is DRAWING on the furniture?

Tom is at work. He doesn’t return until 7 so I’m on my own.

Natalie, sweetheart, PUT THE MARKER DOWN!

Excuse me.

I had to just take the marker from her. I thought I got them all but no, she has a secret marker stash somewhere.

I just know the second I go to prepare the stuffing, she’s going to pull another one out.

Hey Mom, how about some purple walls?


What’s that smell?

Does anyone want to cook for me?

Tommy keeps showing me his things that he put together. He’s always randomly created things. I’ve always appreciated them but on Thanksgiving, when his latest creation is being shoved under my nose, it’s hard to be impressed. My hand was deep in the turkey, searching for the neck bag and Tommy stuck his toy in my face.

“Look! It’s Santa’s sled!” Tommy shouted.

I could not find the neck bag. Where was the neck bag? Did it really matter if I pull it out or not? I could just be all, “Stay away from that area. You’ll probably find a cooked neck bag.”

“It’s Santa’s SLED! Did you HEAR ME?”

“I heard you. You did a fantastic job!” I said my hand still in the turkey. WHERE WAS THE NECK BAG?

I eventually found it.

Now I have to go make the stuffing.

Wish me luck.

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