Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things (and people) That Annoy Me

1. The word vajayjay. It’s called a vagina. I’ll forgive bajingo (from Scrubs) only because it makes me giggle.

2. Commercials popping on after only five minutes of show time (I’m talking to YOU, Lost)

3. Jake (The Bachelor) and his cheesy comments, “When you left, you left with a piece of my heart.”

4. Scrubbing up toddler pee because said toddler refuses to use the potty even though she’s quite capable of doing so. Sometimes I wonder if I have a puppy rather than a kid.

5. Having a nice dress but no place to wear it to.

6. Overpriced purses. If I’m carrying around a Coach purse with the logo on it, I should be paid for free advertising.

7. Tom wanting to watch cartoons all the time. Hello, I’m 27, I don’t want to sit around watching Spongebob. Thanks.

8. Some of the mothers on Toddlers and Tiaras.

9. iTunes charging $1.29 on select songs as opposed to .99 cents.

10. People who let their pants droop down, exposing their underwear. I don’t need to see that you wear Calvin Klein drawers.

11. Cold McDonalds fries.

12. People who use the word “gorge” for “gorgeous.” Is it so difficult to say the entire word?

13. Oh, Tom has one that he’d like to share: Tom is a military cop which means he pulls some people over. He hates it when people don’t know where their information is. Such as their registration, insurance…he finds it aggravating that he has to wait while people dig through their car, searching for it. Tom’s tip? Put it in the dashboard. Don’t toss it in the backseat, don’t let Timmy the Toddler mess with it, don’t shove it somewhere…PUT IT IN THE DASHBOARD.

14. And also, if Tom hears “I left my registration at home” one more time, he might go off the deep end.

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