Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey, It's Okay!

Glamour has this bit in their magazine titled “Hey, It’s Okay…” and then lists a bunch of stuff to be okay about. I decided to steal this idea and make a blog entry out of it. So here we go..

Hey, it’s okay...

...to be a little afraid of the people who wear shirts that say “I do whatever the voices inside my head tell me to.”

...to briefly contemplate selling your children after a disastrous day.

...to think that the newest Bachelor Jake is attractive but a bit of a drama whore who probably should see a psychologist.

...to not understand the popularity of Jersey Shore and the chick called Snoopy. Or is it Snooki? Snoopy? Snooki? Sneaky?

...to prefer shopping for your children over yourself.

...to curse the people who refuse to use their turn signal while driving. I mean, how hard is it to flick your wrist and let other vehicles know of your intentions?

...to purposefully misplace your daughter’s copy of Snow White because you can’t stand to watch another minute of that ditz singing.

...to not understand what the CRAP is going on in the show Lost to the point where you can’t even join in on conversations about it because all you have to offer is, “Can you believe that giant smoke monster thing?”

...to wonder if the guy who plays DJ Lance on Yo Gabba Gabba ever thinks to himself, “THIS is what I do for a living?” but then realize that he probably laughs all the way to the bank.

...to wonder what your combined name with your husband would be if you were a celebrity (for the record, mine would be TomBer.)

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