Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. So without further ado…

Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday

To know that you probably aren’t going to do any of the things suggested in the latest Family Fun magazine (make bunnies from socks? No thanks.)

To rarely buy organic food.

To accidentally nearly set your house on fire when all you were trying to do is make some French Fries.

To tell your kids that if they don’t eat their broccoli that they’ll make Jesus cry.

To never ever work out at 5 in the morning.

To giggle at the celebrities who constantly tweet about meditation and going to yoga and loving edamame beans. Especially when you know that these celebrities have a penchant for partying and not wearing underwear.

To wince when a Toyota drives behind you and hope to God that their brakes work.

To think the American Association of Pediatrics must be insane to say that children under the age of 2 should not watch TV. These people must not have children.

To want to tell Tiger Woods’ mistresses who are whining that THEY didn’t get an apology to shut their traps and get some morals.

To thank the chocolate gods that your kid isn’t crazy about Justin Bieber, who always seems to be a trending topic on Twitter (WHY?).

To have been traumatized within the first 10 minutes of High School Musical and refuse to ever finish the rest.

To have a husband who makes everything you say be sexual. For instance, when you go “I’m going to have a pickle,” don’t be surprised when he gyrates his hips at you and says something like, “I have a pickle for you right here.” You’ll learn to ignore it, I promise.

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