Thursday, December 12, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Is There More At The End Of Movies?

"Should we stay? Lots of people are staying? I never know if we should stay!" I whispered to Tom after the credits started popping up for Frozen.

It seems to be the thing these days for movies to have special clips at the end of the film when the credits are finished rolling. The thing is, not ALL movies do this. So sometimes you're left going, "Should I stay? Or should I go now?" There needs to be a message at the beginning of the film of something, "Stay at the end of the film for a special feature." But there never is. So you NEVER KNOW.

It turns out there WAS a special clip at the end of Frozen. But how would we know? Plus, Tom is the type of person who doesn't like to wait. If a movie is over, he's not going to sit around and watch a two minute feature.

We also took the kids to see Free Birds. There probably was something at the end of that too.

I'm going to see Catching Fire this weekend. Is there something at the end of THAT? Please let me know now.


Stop it, movies.

Let people KNOW what's going on.

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