Monday, December 9, 2013

Our Trip To Texas

We got to visit my parents in Texas over Thanksgiving break. This doesn't happen often because Tom can't always get leave. But this time it worked out. It takes about 6-7 hours to get to their home. We went the day before Thanksgiving so it took like 9.

It wasn't so bad though. I mean, we got to try our Weinerschnitzel. It's a fantastic fast food place whose specialty is HOT DOGS. I had never had it but my friend Jennifer always raves about so I thought, "Okay, she says there's chili cheese fries. I LOVE chili cheese fries!" The food was amazing. Even Tom, who is incredibly picky, liked it.

Thanksgiving was fun. I didn't have to cook so I was happy.

(That's my dad carving the turkey with an electric carver.)

We had my grandma and a friend join us too.

The next day we did not venture out on Black Friday but Mom and I DID go to The Melting Pot for unlimited fondue night. We stuffed our faces.

The cheese is amazing!

I ate so much cheese.

But my favorite part?


Go to The Melting Pot if you haven't. Go on unlimited fondue night and you can eat all you want. I had to undo my jeans. But it was worth it.

The next day we went to see the working dog memorial at Lackland AFB:

And then we walked around and looked at airplanes:

Tom graduated basic training here:

That night we went to a place called Santa's Ranch to see Christmas lights:

Texas was a blast! We hope to be able to go again soon.

Only next time I hope it doesn't take as long to get there.

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