Friday, December 6, 2013

Natalie Is Anna From Frozen!

"Is this a girl movie? I feel this is a girl movie," Tommy fretted beside me.

"It's not. You'll like it," I assured him. We were about to see the new Disney movie Frozen. Natalie had been aching to see it from the moment she saw a preview. She was so excited that I had to buy her an Anna costume:

When the box was dropped off, Tom was like, "Okay, NOW what did you order Natalie?" I explained it was a dress from Frozen and he went, "She has an entire drawer of dress up dresses!"

"Yes, but this was is different!"

And it is. I got the dress for the Disney Store because they last longer. If I buy a dress at Target or WalMart, is begins to rip fairly quickly. But Disney Store dresses last. And I loved this one because it came with a pink cloak.

How was I supposed to pass on a dress with a PINK CLOAK?

"Easy. Just don't click submit order," Tom answered, deadpan. He doesn't get it. He's a boy.

Plus, I know there will come a time when Natalie will be over dressing up. I'm going to enjoy it while I can. Since I have kids who are 5 years apart I know how quickly everything changes. My son used to love dressing up in as Batman, Mario, Spiderman, Power Rangers...and then suddenly, he was too old, and all he wanted was an iPod Touch and video games.

It's no surprise that Natalie adored the dress. She had to have her hair in braids as Anna does in the movie. And what's a big factor in deciding if Natalie will love a dress?

The Twirlability Factory! She loves when a dress fluffs up around her as she spins. If it does that, it's a winner.

We loved the movie Frozen. Well. Tom said there was too much singing. "I didn't need to hear a song every ten minutes," he grumbled. "That's what Disney films used to do," I reminded him. "It was too much!" Tom insisted. I did not agree. I LOVED the music. Natalie loved the music. Tommy, who figured out it was NOT a girl film, thought Olaf the Snowman was funny.

I recommend the movie. Go see it!

Oh, and I took these photos around my parents house. They have such a pretty backyard.

(This isn't their backyard. It's the green belt in back of their backyard. Natalie called it her secret pathway.)

After the photoshoot, Natalie had fun tossing the leaves in the air. As I watched her I kept thinking, "Soon she'll be grown up. I love that she's like this, taking pleasure in tossing leaves."

Enjoy them while they're young.

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