Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To find it a little strange that people have said they are saying a prayer for Judith from The Walking Dead. They know she's not real, right? And that it's a television show?

To be having a fabulous post about #GivingTuesday going up shortly. WalMart helps our military families. Find out how in the post and how you can donate and help. Check it out in the next post!

To be taking the kids to see Frozen today. I am looking forward to this movie. Some children's movies scare me but this one I know I'll enjoy. Naturally, Natalie is excited.

To have pulled out the Creepy Elf on the Shelf yesterday. Natalie loves her. (I got her really cheap on Amazon early this year. It's why we even HAVE one. No way would I have forked over $30 for one. The eyes and the feet weird me out.) A post will be coming tomorrow.

To be sad that Paul Walker died but have gotten irritated with how everyone felt the need to post the news story on Facebook. It's fine to post your opinion, but just posting the same news story over and over gets irritating. Plus, I feel for the other guy who was in the car with Paul. He barely got any recognition. RIP Roger Rodas.

To love Amazon! I've bought many of our Christmas presents from the site.

To be ready to make Christmas cookies. I rarely bake from scratch but I do with these. I want to curse by the end of it all but the final result is worth it. (I make sugar cookies with buttercream frosting.)

To be grateful for the Sears Heroes At Home gift card we received. Shame on the people who have been complaining. Some are upset that it's only $28. Be grateful for what you get!

To hope you consider reading my book, The Swimmer's Assistant, over the holidays! It's only .99 cents! You can get it on Kindle. Don't have a Kindle app? You can download it!

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