This was the halfway point of the year....week 26. It was a miserably hot week here in Rock Mills, AL and it was the kind of week where you wanted to stay inside and try not to feel your skin fry when you went outside. I did manage to make it outside enough times to get photos for this weeks Project 365. If you want to look at everyone else's picture you will have to click here and link up with
Sara over at her blog.
Sunday, June 24th
Church sign for the week. We are doing a bible study series on being disciples and last week our topic was on servanthood.
Monday, June 25th
Monday I went to the Pounds house. Their cat met us when we arrived and Mrs Shirley shared a set of swarovski crystal panda's. We then went outside to see what was blooming in her yard. The bulbous looking flower is the flower of a garlic plant. The pink rose bud has a green grasshopper hitchhiking on its back. The leaf picture shows a leaf with a green spider on it. The last picture is why I went to Mrs. Shirley's house. It is a peruvian primrose. Watching it bloom is like watching a plant in slow motion. It began unfolding at 8pm and then spread open. I was in awe as I stood there and watching it spin open. Thanks, Mrs. Shirley for sharing your amazing plants with me.
Tuesday, June 26th
Frank and Beau cut grass early this morning before the heat got here.
Wednesday, June 27th
From my yard I shot a rose bloom and the robins eggs from the church bird house in the front yard. There are four and I can swear one of them actually moved. I hope they hatch soon. I am excited to see them.
Thursday, June 27th
We rode to Auburn today to visit a church member who was in Bethany House and ran a few errands. We had dinner with the Kramers tonight so it was a quick down and back trip.
Friday, June 28th

Today was a trip to Montgomery for a quick late birthday lunch with Kat. We ate lunch at Mimi's Cafe and then went to Kohl's. Before we ate we went to Lifeway. The top picture is Kat and Brian's new apartment. The fireplace is in the living room. The little chickadee was on the sign at the Liberty gas station at the Mitalene Exit. We had to get gas before we left and it was only 2.93 there. We had to get back to Rock Mills for a 6:00 pm wedding rehearsal for Clay and Kellie. Rehearsal went well....the rehearsal dinner was at Pizza Hut in Roanoke. We got home, I read a while and went to bed. About 11:00 there was a phone call and we had to jump up and head out. I had on my pajamas. The phone call? It was nothing serious.....Mrs. Betty Jeans flower that only blooms at night...once a year at midnight. It is called a night blooming cereus. This flower has a heady vanilla like smell and the bloom is gorgeous. We went over....and I got several shots of the flower. We left at midnight and it was a wonderful night.

Is it not gorgeous? I love this plant. If you ever get a chance to see one then you need by all means see it.
Saturday, June 30th
Today was the wedding of Kelli and Clay Veal. I did not take my camera to the ceremony because I hate to but in on the professional photographers turf....but I did have my cell phone and snapped a few pictures so I would have some memoirs of today. It was a lovely wedding. I hope your week was a good one. I hope you manage to stay cool and God Bless You All today and always.
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