“You won’t,” Tom promised.
“I feel like we’ve been walking for miles.”
“It hasn’t even BEEN one mile.”
“Carry me.” I flopped on Tom and he stumbled back.
“For God’s sake, you can walk!” he hissed.
Okay, so I was being dramatic. We hadn’t been walking long. It’s just…it was hot. And the tour guide kept pointing out plant life and some were pretty, but it's hard for me to get excited over plant life.
I’m not a fan of plant life. Mainly because I can’t grow plants. My mother, she LOVES plant life. She’d had loved Waimea Valley. But me? All I could think about was getting to the top of the hill.
“You should have let me take a golf cart up,” I huffed. You could fork over a couple of bucks and the workers would DRIVE you to the top.
“Amber, only old people were on the golf carts,” Tom reminded me.
Well. True. Still.
“We’re in Hawaii. There’s a waterfall up there. That’s the reward.”
This was true.
“Look. Peacocks!”
For a brief moment I debated throwing myself on their backs and having them ride me up. But I’d probably be pecked to death. The boy peacocks were in heat and apparently they can get quite vicious. Sort of like the Real Housewives if you don’t agree with what they say.
We got to an area where they had houses set up like they were back in the day. Did you know that men did all the work back then? The women were just supposed to take care of the kids. The men hunted, cooked, and did everything else.
Apparently George of the Jungle was filmed up there to. You know, with Brenden Fraser? Remember him in Encino Man? Ha, that was a funny movie…
We kept walking.
We kept looking at plant life.
The wild chicken cheered us on.
I’m proud to say that we finally made it to the waterfall.
I’m sure the people who are into nature would be like, “Ooo. What a spectacular waterfall!”
I was like, “That’s it? I walked 1.5 miles for THIS?” (I'm kidding. It was a pretty area. I was just hot and forgot to bring water with me.)
Tom was impressed because he took like a billion photos. Here are some of them:
He was like, “Stand in front of it! Look excited! It’s beautiful!”
“It is,” I said, fanning myself. “I'm just hot."
“You would be more excited if Lost was filmed here,” Tom pointed out.
“WAS Lost filmed around here!” I asked. We were in Oahu and Lost was filmed over the place. I racked my brain for a scene with a waterfall. There was a couple, right? MAYBE THIS WAS ONE OF THEM!
I never found out if it was. (Well, I did find out it was filmed in another part. When the plane crashed with the drugs I think.) Oh well. But I did reward myself for making it to the top with some shaved ice. There were vendors up there. It made going down easier.
The wild chicken bucked us on. “Come on, you can make it!”
When we made it back down, this peacock congratulated us:
Actually, something had pissed it off and it looked like it was going to peck someone’s eye out.
THESE peacocks came to congratulate us though:
After that we stopped off at the North Shore beach:
This is where a lot of people go to surf.
And where people dress up like warriors:
Our last stop was Nu’uanu Pali Looking and Valley. (I think that's what it was called. I could be wrong..) This was where warriors jumped to their deaths back in the day. Or were forced to jump to their deaths.
It was very pretty.
A little gruesome to know that people had to leap off the area but still…pretty.
And that was our Majestic Tour Around Oahu.
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