Friday, April 8, 2011

Things I've Been Snacking On

I like food.

I like to eat.

Therefore, I decided to write an entry on the stuff I’m currently snacking on.

Yum. Easter treats. Those dipped Peeps rock and the Peepsters are delicious. Not pictured: Cadbury Crème Eggs. It’s because I already ate them by the time I took the pictures. I’ve lost count on how many I’ve consumed. (10? 20? Who knows?)

I haven’t seen Berry Berry Kix in years! Maybe I just hadn’t been looking…normally I stick to the cereals with marshmallows and sprinkles. (Hi, I’m Amber, I’m 28 and I don’t eat cereal that looks like tree bark..) (I also don’t like cereal with nuts in it. Ew.) Anyway, I wandered into the healthier section and was like, “Berry Berry Kix!” Although they aren’t as good as I remembered. The corn puffs used to be in the shape of actual berries. Now they are all balls. (Teehee.) But still. Boo.

This popcorn by Orville Redenbacher is awesome. You don’t even have to mess up a dish! It’s already in a bowl. Sweet. I like anything that saves me a dish.

Er. This isn’t a snack. It just made me laugh. Star Jones is all sorts of crazy on The Celebrity Apprentice this season. I snack while watching it. That’s how this picture fits in. Yeah. We’ll go with that.

These are a given. My beloved Dunkaroos that I thought were gone forever. A fabulous snack.

Are you a fan of the cheese flavored goldfish? Then try these! Vanilla cupcake flavored goldfishes! They taste like a sweeter version of Nilla wafers.

And PS—don’t worry, my kids (and I) do eat healthy foods. It’s just, these are more entertaining to talk about. It’s not as interesting to take a picture of grapes and be all, “Yeah. We’re eating grapes. Yum.”

Still, I’m never going to eat cereal that looks like tree bark. Or sticks.

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