Friday, April 29, 2011


I know you just knew today my post would be about the Royal Wedding....but I am sorry....I did not get up and watch it this morning...because the night before I was up most of the night worried about the tornadic activity taking place around me.  Sleep deprivation won out of Royal Wedding.  I knew I would be able to see the dress and the hat sometime today on the internet...and to be honest with all that has been going on...that is more than enough.  In the grand scheme of things...Royal Wedding of people I have never met...and never trumped by friends who lost loved ones and homes.  BUT....that is not what my post is about today either....I cannot let this injustice go unnoticed.  Back in October my mom was sent to a Geriatric Psych Ward in Sylacauga....she was carried by ambulance from Adams to Sylacauga (27 miles one way)...and then once she was released...she was carried from Sylacauga back to you have any guess what the ambulance bill was???????  The part that my mom is supposed to pay??????  OVER 700.00!!!!!....and this was for only one way!  I mean....COME ON!!!  It is 27 miles for goodness sake.  The whole round trip...might take 1.5 hours.   With two men in the the math...that is 350.00+ each...for 1.5 hours.    I am school teacher with a Masters Degree and 20+ years of experience....and I don't make that much in 3 days!  I have discovered what is wrong with our medical and insurance systems....those who can....PAY for everyone else!  This is an injustice.  Deep breath...ok...I am feeling a bit other beef is with the legal system...but I will save that one for another day.  I hope your weekend is a good one.  I am going to a book sale in Roanoke to help the Animal Rescue Society.  I can't wait...last one they had I loaded up on great reads for low prices. 

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