Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To think some people who go on Say Yes To The Dress are downright insane. I know a wedding is an important day but sheesh…chill…and sometimes it’s not even the bride who is wack, it’s the family. Or even the husband-to-be, which baffles me, because isn’t he supposed to wait until the day of the wedding to see the dress?!

To cannot wait for The Hangover II to come out. The first one made me laugh so hard.

To want to buy the new Sweet Valley Confidential book. Remember the Sweet Valley High series? I read them all. This is a story about the twins, Jessica and Elizabeth all grown up. You can buy a copy here. (And no, I didn’t get compensated for sharing the link. Though if any publishing company wants me to review books, I will! Hint, hint.)

To not mind if my husband goes to a bar. There was a big to do about this on the forum I write at. Some women were all, “My husband can’t go to a bar!” and I’m thinking, “Er, why not?”

To hope Natalie does well with her swim lessons. She starts next week. Please, let her not scream…

To have not liked the musical Grey’s Anatomy. The songs weren’t bad and the cast has talent…however, it didn’t go with the show. And yeah, the preemie baby was sad but it looked so fake that I couldn’t get into the story. We’ve perfected fake puke and poo…why not fake babies?

To have never ordered a thing from QVC.

To not watch Dancing with the Stars. I am rooting for Kirstie Alley though.

To hope I don’t lose my mind during Spring Break. It’s all this week. I may need a lot of chocolate. Thank goodness I have some truffles from Godiva.

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