Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To not understand why people cater to celebs who request stupid things like only green M&Ms, Pellegrino water, or 6 specific kinds of candy bars.

To like Bethenny Ever After even though I was annoyed when Bethenny got her body back seconds after having a baby. She says it’s because she didn’t eat like a garage disposal while pregnant. I did. Hell, I eat like a garbage disposal NOW, which probably accounts for why I don’t have abs..

To be annoyed over the prospect of a government shutdown. It pisses me off that people like SNOOKI continue to get paid but our military members do not? So far the military will get paid on the 15th but it’s not for certain what will happen on the 1st.

To think the people on Extreme Couponing are slightly insane. I can’t spend up to 6 hours planning a shopping trip. It seems like they are fancy hoarders because there are groceries all over their houses. No thanks. I don’t need 50 bottles of mustard.

To have listed some clothes on eBay. Check the auctions out here! Help me earn money for my trip to NYC. I’m a fast shipper!

To not like guacamole. I’ve tried, since it seems to be so popular, but it’s a no go.

To wish Words with Friends would allow the word ‘ew.’ It’s a word! As in, ew, brussel sprouts or ew, Charlie Sheen’s goddesses.

To be planning on putting Natalie in gymnastics since she likes to do somersaults all over the living room.

To have sent Tom a birthday package with his gifts wrapped in girly wrapping paper. It was all I had left. So he’ll have to make do with the wrapping paper that says Birthday Girl across it.

To be putting my query letter (basically what the book is about) and the first chapter of my novel, The Swimmer’s Assistant (formerly SwimmerBoy), up during the weekend. If you like chick lit and feel like checking it out, please do so. I won’t be insulted, I could use constructive criticism.

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