Well, today was my big day and I have to admit that by the time I got to the little country church I thought I was going to have to throw up in the church yard....but I didn't. God was definitely in control today. I went in and sat in the front while Sunday School let out. When I met my contact person I was informed that I was in charge of the
whole service. I truly was going to be filling the pastors role. I was also told I needed a Children's minute for Time for Children....I almost bolted...but then I thought...hey....I am a school teacher and tomorrow is the first day of school....so I will bless the children! My one little guy that came forward was such a sweetie. He let me ramble on about school...and I honestly think by the time I was finished he was a little more excited about starting tomorrow. I then got to the pulpit...and something happened. I came alive. I loved every single minute up there. I loved raising my voice...and throwing my hands in the air...it was an emotional high for me. What a day....and I got paid to do this! How cool is that????? You know I love getting paid to do something I love. If people only knew that I would do most of what I do just for the thrill of doing it...I would never draw a check...so I keep quiet about this. I actually knew a few people at this church, my former assistant principal and his wife were there and my dad's cousin's daughter...and everyone in the building spoke to me, or hugged me, or both before I left. What a sweet spirit they have there. Bro. Lennox should be proud of his little flock. So, until the next time...Hope your Sunday was blessed...I know mine was....and you know....even if they didn't get a thing out of the sermon...it was ok....God knew who it was for....Myself included!
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