I had a sinking moment last night and was still hungry when we got home from the meeting we had attended....so I ate some chips and salsa. What was I thinking??? I know I am not supposed to eat corn....but I was hungry...and I only had 15 chips...and counted the calories...but the cilantro and spices in that salsa did a major number on me. I had nightmares all night long. My first nightmare was my little sweet dachy Beau....turned into a rabid Pit Bull that would not let me off my bed...and I could not get to my parents to save them. I woke up in a sweat only to find Beau peacefully sleeping at the foot of my bed. Whew....back to sleep and on to nightmare number two....my house was overtaken with snakes...they were everywhere. I tried to wake Frank up...but a giant anaconda was wrapped around him. Back to sleep and the worst of all the nightmares....I dreamed my dad was at my bedside...telling me he had to go....and asking me to take care of my mom. I woke up physically crying this time. I got up and went and checked on him...he was breathing easy and sound asleep. After nightmare number three....I gave it up for the night. Moral of this story....if you don't eat enough at dinner....don't eat salsa before going to bed....an easy rest will not be found. I may never eat salsa again...and before last night I loved the stuff. Curses on you salsa! Griefus....tonight I am eating oatmeal!
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