Saturday, August 8, 2009

King Sized Bed Dreams

Okay. I've been converted.

These condos we've been staying at have King sized beds.

I've decided that we need a King sized bed. We have to have a King sized bed. My happiness depends on a King sized bed.

In a King sized bed I don't have to worry about man legs being thrown over my waist.

In a King sized bed I don't have to worry about stale breath being blown on my face.

In a King sized bed I don't get a blast of fart in my face if Tom has consumed a lot of cheese for dinner.

In a King sized bed things are better.

Why have we stuck with a Queen sized bed all these years? Why have I put up with the man legs, the stale breath and the farts for so long?

Oh. Right. Because we live in base housing which means we may not always have space for a King sized bed in our room.

But, really, who needs to be able to walk around when a King sized bed is involved?

I will give up pacing around my bedroom if it means I get a King sized bed.

Walking is so overrated anyhow.

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