Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Morning is Coming Down

Today is Sunday and my favorite day of the week. Most of you know that I go to church on Sunday in two places...and love it! I enjoy the heck out of spending my day the song I picked today is a real study of conflicts. The Kris Kristopherson song I chose is one I really is one of deep hurt and pain and sometimes we, as Christians, have to understand that in the real world...everyone does not love Sunday's like we do. The words remind me that the shadow of the steeples I worship under...there are people like this and it makes me kind of sad to know that that is true. So on this glorious day...pause for a minute and if you are a praying person...pray for those in the world that are hurting, hungry, have no shelter, are abused, are searching, are lost....and if that descibes you....then feel good...somebody is praying for you. Can you feel it? God loves you all and so do I

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