Well, yesterday evening....Mary, Rita and I went shopping in Auburn at the mall. The weather was gorgeous...and I drove because there was a chance of rain and Mary hates driving in rain. I don't mind....anyways....we got to the mall and Mary and I hit the Dillards section we love and were having a field day finding stuff. I ended up with three tops...Mary with two. Rita went to Belks. She was looking for an Easter dress. We finished at Dillards, hit their shoe section (you know...you don't pass up the shoe section) and then went to Coldwater Creeks (70% off sale - final week)...and Victoria's Secret. I am a big girl...so I never get anything in Vicky's place except gifts, gift cards, or perfume. Personally I think they should have another side to their store like Dress Barn or Cato's and call it...Victorias Biggest Secret....you know...for us big girls who want to feel sexy too. They wouldn't have to put pictures of us in their magazine adds...or in their store fronts...they can even hide us in the back somewhere...I just would like to know what an Angel Bra feels like. Anyways...we met Rita at Belks....I guess it takes longer to buy an Easter dress than it does shirts and present panties. While we were in Belks...the weather alarm went off....and we found ourselves in a safe place at the Auburn mall....(our safe place turned out to be the little table area of Chik-Fil-A...where we ate supper...and waited out the storm...It hailed...there were tornadoes...not a great night to be off somewhere. We finally were able to leave the mall at 9...and I got home somewhere around 10. As usual....just like when I was a child, teenager, etc....my mom was waiting up for me (to be honest....last night it was kind of comforting)....and then I waited up for Frank after she went to bed. He got home a bit after 12:30...and we visited a bit...talked about our day...and I did not have to wait long to go to sleep....bummer though...here it is early Saturday morning. Heck...it is nearly 5 by now. I have been sitting here since 3. I have caught up on all my blog reading and contest entering for the day and I am dying. I wish I could breathe and not cough. I feel like crap! The pollen has got to go....or I won't survive! I have taken every kind of medicine in the house...and all in the last 30 minutes. I love the concept of spring....all the new life, the flowers, the green....but I hate the side effects of spring....itchy eyes, runny nose, cough, headaches, etc. I guess we can't have the best of both worlds. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I am excited...except that as a Pastors wife...I have to go sit outside for sunrise service. I am planning on taking a whole bag of Hall's and maybe I will make it through the service with minimal coughing. Easter Sunday is my favorite holiday in the year...so even pollen is not going to dampen my day. Frank has to work at Arby's all weekend....til they close....That means I have the television to myself...how cool is that? No True TV - Franks new favorite show (I actually like it sometimes.) I am going to watch
P.S. I Love You...and some other movies I have been storing up...you know...chick flicks. But first I am taking my parents...maybe.... to a picking in New Site, AL...the McCain family do this every Saturday night and my mom has been chomping at the bits to go. If my dad feels up to it...I will take them tonight. Secretly...I hope he is tired. I can tell you....unless I get a nap sometime today...I know I will be! Happy Easter all. Enjoy your day tomorrow. Hug your little ones a little bit more, spend time with your family and the ones you love, Rejoice for our Lord is Risen!
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