My sweet friend Trina gave me this award, oh, last week sometime but I have been so very busy and just did not have time to deal with it. I was too busy posting pictures of my trip to Europe. Tonight I decided to take a break and do this and tell Trina THANKS! I love awards and cool buttons.
The rules are very easy. (Those are my favorite kind.) I tell you seven things I like and then pass it to seven other bloggers for them to do the same. So, here goes!
1. Singing with Still Magnolias, Trinity, and the Praise Band....heck...singing period. There is something soothing to me about expressing how I am feeling in song. I wish my world was a giant musical and I could just bust out in song when I felt the moment called for it. People would definitely think I was a weird-o.
2. Traveling- I have seen 47 of the 50 United States...can't wait to get Michigan, Vermont, and Alaska added to my collection of state magnets. I have been all across Canada, Mexico, most of Central America, England,Ireland, Wales, Italy, Germany, Paris.....and there are still so many places I want to see. I think my favorite stateside thing....was seeing Old Faithful....that was a powerful moment.
3. The perfect song to fit my mood -- Sometimes I want to rock out to something from the classic rock genre. Most times I want to sing along to a good ole country "she left me and took my dog" type song. Don't be surprised to see me at a red light belting out some number. Sometimes I am oblivious to the world around me.
4. The sound of rain on a tin roof - My parents have a tin roof on their house and I love the sound of a hard or gentle rain beating on the tin....it is so musical to me. I love the sense of home it gives me.
5. While I am on rain....I love storms. They electrify me. When I was young and a squall was offshore before a hurricane I would go to the beach and bare my soul to the storm. I feel so alive in the middle of lightening and thunder. Sometimes I wish I had become a storm chaser.
6. The smell of sea air. I get antsy when I get near the beach...I want to feel the sand between my toes and smell the salt air. I love it.
7. Hugs - I love to give them...and I love to get them. There is something very calming about wrapping your arms around a sad friend and just letting them know you care enough to enter their intimate space. I think if people hugged more there would be less violence in the world.
OK...so now I get to pass this along to seven of my bloggy friends. They are:
1. Julie
2. Sandi
3. LA Girl
4. Kelsey
5. Mary
6. Kira
7. Frank
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