Well, it does.
So Jennifer and I decided to check it out.
After we got our tickets, we walked into this room that was made to look like a forest.
I got the feeling that we were being watched and sure enough, we were.
By these guys:
Their expressions remind me of my own when I'm desperate for chocolate.
This guy freaked me out:
I had calmly rounded the corner and there he was. I was about to swing my purse at him and emit a Zena Warrior Princess-like roar and then I realized, duh, he's fake. I've probably been watching too many episodes of Lost. I now feel like there are Others lurking behind trees or bushes whenever I enter a wooded area.
This guy looked like he was mocking me. Look, I know my hair is scary but you don't have to laugh. It's rude.
This guy clearly did not like me. I think he was sick of being called Jaws. He was probably all, "Dude, my name is NOT Jaws. It's Brian."
Thank goodness for the glass. Otherwise I would have surely been shark food.
As we continued our tour, Jennifer picked up a new boyfriend. He's handsome, no?
I'm starting to wish that my husband were a lined seahorse. I told him so on the phone. I wistfully said, "It would be lovely if you were a lined seahorse," and he went, "EXCUSE ME?"
Though if he were the one that got pregnant it would be awful. I mean, the man whines and moans when he has the sniffles. What would he be like with swollen feet and contractions? Yikes.
We found gold! Hurray! I can pay off the Honda Insight! But no...it was fake, of course. And glued to the bottom of the pit. Dang. It's not nice to tease.
Oh noes! That mean shark broke free and ate Jennifer!
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