This morning I was up and in the shower at 4:15….getting ready for the beginning of my Easter day…..Sunrise Service in Waverly, AL. It was the Methodist Churches turn to set up chairs, lead the singing, say the opening prayer and host the annual breakfast. This sharing time is one of the things I love so about Waverly. They come together well. The sad part about this morning….is that this is the only Sunday I do the First Methodist to Waverly commute in reverse. Today I begin in Waverly and once the service is over I jump back in my car and head for First Church and the Arbor Service. I missed breakfast again….anyways….the other Brother Frank (the Baptist Church’s minister) spoke today on purpose and when we made our commitments to become a Christian….a Christ Follower….an Easter Person. He shared his date….and when the service was over….he hugged me….and I told him….Labor Day 1970. He understood what that meant….that was the day I became an Easter person. I jumped in my HHR and headed the 30 miles to the Arbor….where….we began with a video clip called….It was Friday….but Sunday is a Comin’. As soon as the clip ended….we began to sing a song called “I Will Rise”….about halfway through the song….some dancers came down the aisle….and I had to shut my eyes….at the most powerful point of the song….they lifted one of the little girls up….as if she were hanging on a cross. I knew I would cry….so I simply closed my eyes and let the music just flow gently over me. Easter music is my purpose….I was put on this earth….to sing about Easter….365 days a year. The end of our service was the most powerful….Rhonda Blythe sang “Worthy is the Lamb”. I love harmonizing with her on this song…..today….Sammy Teel dressed as a shepherd….entered the service….carrying a precious lamb…..he came down the aisle to the front….and knelt at the 6 foot cross…until the song was over. It does not get any better than this….at least it doesn’t to me. I LOVE EASTER!!!!! When I got home from visiting my Aunt Shirley….I started looking for a devotional on Easter and found a great one by Warren Mueller and As Easter ends…I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus. “The purpose of his life was to offer himself as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The Bible says that Jesus became sin for us so that we could be forgiven and found righteous in God’s sight (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus was so certain of his purpose that he predicted when and how he would die. (Matthew 26:2). So, as believers and followers….what is our purpose? Some would answer that it is to love God while others might say that it is to serve him. The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that man’s chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. While considering these ideas, Hebrews 12:2 came to mind: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus looked beyond the suffering, shame and death he knew was to come and focused on the joy that would be. I have to ask myself….what is this great joy that motivated him so. I love a lot of people….but to die such a cruel and harsh death for them…..I would have to think long and hard on that one. The Bible says that there is great joy in heaven whenever a sinner repents (Luke 15:10). Likewise, the Lord rewards good works and there is joy in hearing him say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Therefore, Jesus anticipated the joy that would happen when each person would repent and be saved. He also looked forward to the joy that would result from each good work done by believers in obedience and motivated by love. The Bible says that we love God because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). Ephesians 2:1-10 tells us that by nature we are rebellious towards God and are born spiritually dead. It is by his love and grace that he brings us to faith and reconciliation. God has even planned our good works (Ephesians 2:10)!” Ok….so what is my purpose????? Really???? I know I said earlier…that it is to sing Easter music 365 days a year….but is that really it? I do know after reading Mr. Mueller’s devotional that joy is something I can give….and music does that for some….I know it does it for me. My God is Mighty to Save…and He honors all sinners like us by giving us the ability to please Him. All I have to do is repent, love, and bring Him glory….and He rejoices and experiences joy. How absolutely cool is that?
So…at the close of Easter….I want all Easter People…and those who want to be Easter People to simply give Jesus the gift of joy today….tomorrow….forever…. He is waiting on you! Happy Easter My Dear Ones!
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