It is official. Hear ye! Hear ye! I am a great grandmother. My granddaughter Jasmine and her husband Henry just added to our family a precious bundle of joy in little Brooklyn Roulain Desarro. Is she not so tiny. I love the birth of new babies. There is something so sweet and special in the beginning of a new life. The funny thing is....that while I just became a great grandmother...one of my dear friends from high school just became a grandmother. Her oldest son, Jeremy and his wife Rebecca just had a precious little baby boy named Lucas Dunlap. I have been a grandmother for a while and am looking forward to the next step in the ladder of life. Enjoy baby Lucas Carol, it is amazing what grands can do to you. Happy Saturday to you all. We are expecting another blizzard (that is 3 inches of snow or more in the South) in the morning....so I am getting ready. Hopefully I will see you all tomorrow....with my P365 offerings.
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