And not just my ass. Everything.
It’s just, Tom has been working out a lot in Korea. I don’t want to be the flabby one in the relationship.
So it’s a good thing I got these shoes from my parents for Christmas:
They are supposed to help me tone my ass.
Their quote even says, “Make your bottom part your better part.” Thanks, Sketchers, I’d love to do this.
Now when I’m shopping I’m all, “Lalala, as I shop, I’m toning my ass.”
I’m not sure if there is much of a change. Back there, I mean. I asked Tom if he noticed a firmer tush and he was all, “I could tell you for sure if you took off your pants.”
I checked my backside out in the mirror and it’s hard to tell. I’m not about to ask my children, that could traumatize them. Then when they are adults, they could be with a psychologist going, “I remember distinctly when my life changed forever. My Mom asked me if her butt looked firmer.”
I’ll just have to hope these shoes are doing their job.
I don’t always eat the greatest, and I’m not sure the shoes will help if I don’t limit my chocolate intake.
It doesn’t help when a nice reader named Katelin sent me all this:
That’s a box full of chocolate.
She works for a company called Chocolate Chocolate and I highly recommend it. I mean, if you love chocolate, you’ll love the site.
This made me laugh.
Mmm, an IRS form never tasted so good.
A giant chocolate bar, almost as big as my head!
A variety of chocolate bars. These were my favorite ones:
So thank you, Katelin. These chocolates will not be wasted. They will be enjoyed, and loved, and...well, might make my ass expand.
But isn’t that why I got the shoes?
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