...there it was. The new book and coffee smell.
I love it.
I had arrived in Barnes and Noble, one of my favorite places. And I was alone. No kids. No husband nagging me to hurry and pick out a book because he’s bored.
It was just me, alone, with all these fabulous books.
But the adventure didn’t start with the books. No, it had started at Target, another one of my favorite places. Well, technically it started when I dropped Natalie off at preschool. Then I went to Target, because rumor had it that a bunch of toys had been marked 75% off.
It was true.
I grabbed a cart, went back to the toy section and there were the glorious 75% off signs.
Plus two other women who had carts filled with toys.
At least Old Lady Hog wasn’t there. She’s an older woman who loads up carts and carts filled with the toys. And she’s not doing it for a good deed either, she’s re-selling. Not that there is anything wrong with re-selling—times are tough, a person needs to make money how they see fit—but taking all the deals isn’t right. I love a deal and I always leave stuff behind to share in the deal excitement.
One of the ladies had already gone through both of the lanes since her cart was filled, but she kept going back and taking other stuff. So I figured if I wanted something, I better hurry.
I managed to find the following:
And no, everything is not for my kids. I donate some, and every year I give to Toys for Tots.
Then it was time for Barnes and Noble. I walked slowly down the aisles, my fingers bumping against the spines of all the books. I’d pull a few out and read the back, and then flip through a few pages.
The quiet was bliss. I live in a house where quiet doesn’t always happen.
I ended up just buying a Writer’s Digest magazine and then I wandered into the café area. I wish I liked coffee. I mean, the smell of it is amazing. But the taste? Not so much. So instead of a coffee drink, I got a hot chocolate and a Godiva double chocolate slice of cheesecake to go.
I settled down at a table and just savored the peacefulness. I could spend all day in a Barnes and Noble.
As I sat there, hands around my hot chocolate cup, a guy sitting nearby glanced up. We locked eyes and I said something like, “Isn’t this great?”
He blinked at me. “Is what great?”
“This place.” I bit my tongue to keep from adding, “Duh.”
He just shrugged. “I guess,” he answered and went back to the magazine he was reading.
He probably doesn’t appreciate it because he can come to Barnes and Noble whenever he wants. But when you have young (loud) kids, you don’t always get the luxury.
I had to leave an hour later so I could pick up Natalie.
But I’ll be back next month.
I still have $18 left on a gift card that is just itching to be spent.
And I could go for another slice of cheesecake.
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