He is here! Jill and Blake's little man, Brady made his appearance into the world on Saturday a little after 4 p.m. It was a long day for Jill. They induced labor about 7 a.m. Anyways, the little guy weighed in at 7' 13" and was 21.5 inches long, with a head full of black hair....he looks just like his daddy. He will definitely be a heartbreaker one day. Right now he is at the heart squeezer stage. I love little babies. They are God's assurance that there is still good in the world. Jill and Blake will make good parents...and one thing for sure...a baby changes everything. I remember my own...things that you did before baby....you do a whole lot differently after baby. I was talking to a friend the other day....who is expecting number three and they are all under age 5. His wife has been put on total bedrest....so he is in charge...there is nothing funnier than a daddy at the complete mercy of a three and five year old. Motherhood is not as easy as it looks. I was a SAHM until Kat started kindergarten....so I know first hand...there is definitely more to Stayathomemomdom than meets this eye. To all SAHM's I lift my glass in salute. You do a good job. Yours is truly the nobler profession. Congrats Jill and Blake. Here is wishing you many wonderful years of parenthood. I wouldn't trade mine for anything....but remember...they will step on your heart sometimes...and when they do...they will stomp that sucker flat!
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