My aunt Shirley fell this week and broke her nose. I don't mean bent it...I mean B-R-O-K-E. I have never seen a nose so broken. The broken nose was treated...but in the process of x-raying a brain tumor was found. She was placed at Bethany House (a Hospice facility) in Opelika and it is now just a matter of time. Terri, her oldest daughter...got her from California yesterday afternoon. She was planning to come for a week in March...but she is here now. Amanda, works in Boston area, flew home on Tuesday night....after returning to Boston....talk about a quick turn around. Missi, lives in Nashville, was here this past weekend....went home on Sunday night....only to return on Tuesday. Linda, bless her heart...lives here....has been holding down the fort during the week. These girls are my sisters. The chosen kind. When my brother died...and their dad....our families kind of melded together. Aunt Shirley is my other mother. She has been my rock and strength many times. I have to tell you a cute story on her....she is a tiny woman sizewise. When I was 13 or so...I came to spend a week in Alabama. I have to admit...staying at my little Grandmother's house was so much more fun that at my dad's moms. But...I had to spend an equal amount of time at both...if I spent 2 hours and 12 minutes in Alex City...I had to spend 2 hours and 12 minutes in Kellyton. Well...one day my aunt took us to the pool and left us...it was Kellyton time...she left us...and to our dismay...the pool was closed. What were we to do? We tried to call from a nearby house (this was in the days before cell phones)...but no one answered....so I called my little grandmother...and she said she would send someone immediately. We were in the middle of a cotton mill...it was scary. Within minutes...my cousin, Richard pulled up. I hopped in the car....and my cousin didn't. I am an idiot. I was not staying in this mill area...so I left her there...remember...I was a kid. My Kellyton family went berzerk....and my three aunts came to my little grandmothers...to get me....my aunt Shirley...stood up to them all....especially after they pushed my little grandmother into a chair. I did not have to go back to Kellyton right then....later that night my mom came on a train...it seems the Kellyton family had called them....and I ended up having to spend time in Kellyton and apologize...as an adult...I realize that was a stupid thing to do...but as a kid...my aunt was my hero. She has held me when I cried, walked with me through death, loved me, hugged me, been there for me....always...and so once again I am grieving. It really isn't a surprise....she and my dad were both diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last January...she just seemed to keep on keeping on....and seeing her so weak right now really breaks my heart....for the girls...and selfishly....for myself. Amanda is coming to town today to make necessary arrangements...I know how that feels...and I am an only child...she has a support system. With all the sorrow that we are facing right now...on my way to work this morning...the sun was shining through the trees...and I had a sense of peace. You see, my aunt Shirley...was once married to my uncle Charlie. He was the love of her life. They married when she was very young...and he died when the girls were very young....so...the sweetest throught....she is going to be with her true love...and with tears falling down my face...that makes me smile. Peace be with you all today. Hug someone you love...cause you never know when it will be your last one.
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