The table serves as a reminder of all the good things that have been in my life. It is a reminder of my past....where I once was, before Christ...and where I am now...with Christ in my life. It is my transformation reminder. It is my reminder of what He can do...if I let Him. Now, don't get me wrong...I truly am a person of change. When I get frustrated or angry...look at furniture it is rearranging time. I also love changing bedspreads, curtains, wall colors. I love new things. I love how they smell, look, make me feel. My husband has learned to just roll with the flow. He never knows what he is coming home to. After my dad died...my friend Susan spent a week with me. Frank left for work and we had cream colored walls everywhere...he came home and we had a taupe colored guest room and guest bath with new adornments. I had enough paint to do the hall and fireplace(idea from a Lowes you can do it catalog)...so watch out! I am hoping to talk Susan into coming back....I want to paint the living room and dining room too....and maybe my bedroom. I am tired of rental house drab....I want to spice it up a bit. I love the change that comes with new paint; new color. I don't have to have Coach or Dooney Burke purses. I don't need Jimmy Choo shoes...but Lord just give me a room transformation and I am the ultimate Happy Camper. I am a thrifty shoppe and I like things that I can change with little money. My table was one of those things...and I am reminded with I look at it that old things are also important. They are reminders of the past. Every time I look at my table....even though it has been transformed, I see the past...I remember sweet little Kathryn chewing on the corners as she cut her teeth....and I smile. My dishes...reminders of a teenager preparing for a new life as a wife someday. My dining room suite...part of my mom and dad, the guest bedroom suite - part of my Aunt MaeBelle's life with my Uncle Art...a cedar chest - a cast off from my MIL...photos....reminders of special events and trips. I hope one day my children will want to have one of these reminder's for their homes and it will give them the same pleasure I have gotten from them over the years. What is your memory keeper?
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