He came home with a bag of Valentine's cards and treats. I peeked in and saw something that excited me.
"Fun dip! Can I have your fun dip?" I asked Tommy, who was a bit confused over his mother's excitement over candy.
I composed myself. Amber, you're 27, you shouldn't be getting excited over FUN DIP anymore.
"You can have it," Tommy said, passing it over.
Tommy doesn't like Fun Dip. He prefers plain chocolate, plain M&Ms....
As I dug through Tommy's bag, I found something that disturbed me. When I took it out I went, "Ahhh!"
"What is it?" Tommy wondered, eyes big.
"Twilight candy." I shoved it away with my index finger. "How can a second grader like Twilight? If Natalie were in second grade and liked Twilight, I'd say, 'If a man ever took your engine from your vehicle, like Edward did to Bella, kick him in the nuts.' I'd remind her that Edward is NOT the type of guy to strive for."
Tommy made a face. "Girls talk about Twilight in my class. They like a guy named....named...."
"Jacob," I sighed.
Tommy nodded. "Yeah. Him."
"That's what I say!" Tommy agreed.
Ahh yes. My little anti-Twilighter.
I can't seem to escape the Twilight thing though. When my friend Amanda came over, she was bearing gifts.
People seem to like my reaction to Twilight stuff. It's usually in the form of a yelp. I had to turn the boxes around because I didn't like the way Edward was staring at me whenever I came into the kitchen. Who would want their man to stare at them like that?
Anyhow, on the actual Valentine's Day I set out gifts. No Twilight stuff in sight.
I posted what I got in yesterday's entry.
Tommy got workbooks. He loves to do workbooks. He's doing multiplication now. I don't remember doing that until third of fourth grade. But apparently he passed his subtraction test and was able to move onto multiplication and he wants to be really good at it. So he practices. And he practices. And he practices. He's one of those kids who wants to get everything right the first time. If he doesn't, he's frustrated and he'll cry.
He's like this when he swims too. The teacher will tell him how to kick and how to use his arms. If he doesn't get it right he's all, "Let me try again, please." Of course he can't try again because there are other students in the class. So he'll be in the corner, focusing on how he needs to move his arms, how he needs to kick while the other kids splash and giggle at each other.
It's just how Tommy is.
Speaking of Tommy, he was surprised when I made pancakes on Valentine's Day.
"But it's not Christmas," Tommy pointed out.
"I can make pancakes on other days," I answered.
"What are these dark things?" Tommy frowned at his plate of pink pancakes.
"Chocolate chips!"
"I'm not sure if I'll like that, Mommy." Tommy said this knowingly, not meanly.
"Just try it," I urged.
And so he did.
"It's okay," he admitted. "Not my favorite though."
I dubbed them the Pepto Bismol Pancakes.
And for dinner, I ordered HEART pizza:
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