The one I slaved over?
Okay, fine, so it wasn’t that difficult seeing as I had to just throw everything into the Crock Pot. But still, I had to cut the bacon, the onions, the meat…and you have to understand, I hate cutting things. I’m not good at cutting. I’m always worried that I’m going to slice off one of my fingers. And who wants to be the mother with only nine fingers? I certainly don’t. (“Oh, that’s Tommy’s Mom, did you know she only has nine fingers? Yes, apparently she lost one in a kitchen accident..)
Aside from the cutting, I also had to deal with Natalie wanting to “help.” Some parents love their children in the kitchen “helping.” I am not one of those people. I’d prefer to have my kids in the living room. Watching. As in, watching TV, out of my hair. Cooking stresses me out as it is. Add children and it just adds to the frustration. (“Natalie…sweetheart…we don’t touch the raw stop tossing the flour in the air, it’s NOT like confetti!”)
If Natalie wasn’t “helping” she was asking me all sorts of questions. She brought in her box of crayons and would hold one up and ask seriously, “What color is dis?” I really can’t be distracted when I’m cooking because then I’ll make all sorts of mistakes. I’m bad at cooking, therefore I have to put my full concentration to it. There I was measuring things and Natalie would go, “What color is dis?” and poke the crayon in my thigh until I’d respond.
“Um, blue,” I said absently as I leveled off the measuring cup.
“No, it’s NOT blue, it’s lellow!” Natalie shouted at me. If she KNEW that, then why ask?
Bottom line, making the stew was not easy.
But guess what?
No one in this house ate it but me! I thought it was good. But Tom doesn’t like stew. He says all stews tastes off to him. Oh, but I bet if I brought Megan Fox in here and said that SHE made it he’d at least try a bite.
Natalie just played with hers. At one point she picked up a carrot and squeezed it through her fingers. Orange mush dropped all over the carpet.
And Tommy?
This was Tommy’s reaction:
I think I'm going back to making macaroni and cheese.
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