Sunday, February 28, 2010
Amazing Amanda

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Lisa Leonard Designs

My daugher Kat picked up that nickname one year when we were working on ASP. It would make a great birthday gift...and she will be 30 this year.

giveaway will end on March 25th!! BTW...I could not wait. I ordered the Sparkles necklace for Kathryn's birthday. I can't wait to give it to her.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Who Are You?
So I have a husband named Tom.
At least, I thought his name was Tom.
He’s slowly been morphing himself into Thomas.
It started awhile back when he ordered some pizza. I heard him say to the pizza guy, “My name is Thomas.”
I frowned but let it slide past.
Then when he bought his Kevlar tires he was asked for a name.
“Thomas,” he said.
“I thought you were Tom,” I whispered at him.
The Sears worker taking Tom’s name looked up with a start. He was probably wondering if I was some One Night Stand that had gone on longer than planned.
“I can be Thomas.” Tom shrugged like it was no big deal. “The name is on my birth certificate, you know.”
Well. Yes. But he had always been Tom to me. When he introduced himself in high school he said, “Hi, I’m TOM.” Not Thomas. He didn’t tell me, “Hi, I’m Tom but in about twelve years I’m going to go by Thomas. Cool?”
When he signed my Valentine’s Day card I noticed he signed it Thomas.
Then when I was on Facebook the other day I noticed that he had changed his name from Tom to Thomas.
What in the holy heck?
“Who are you?” I demanded. “Am I supposed to call you Thomas now? Because I won’t!”
“Things change,” Tom said casually. I hate how he rarely gets worked up over anything. He just calmly sat on the couch and flipped through a magazine.
“Are you having some sort of midlife crisis?” I wondered. Then I started to panic. First comes the name change, then comes wanting to buy a motorcycle, then comes wanting a fresh wife...granted, don’t midlife crisis’s start when the person is older? Thus the name MIDLIFE crisis? But then again, when you’re an Airman in the Air Force, I imagine midlife crisis’s could come much sooner.
“No midlife crisis,” Tom replied.
“Are you trying to be like a celebrity? I mean Puff Daddy changed his name a lot. He was Puff Daddy, the he wanted P. Diddy, and then he wanted Diddy, and I have no idea what he’s going by these days.” I placed my hand solemnly on his shoulder. “Are you pulling a Puff Daddy, Tom?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “I’m not pulling a Puff Daddy. I’m just going by my given name.”
“But really, am I supposed to call you Thomas now?”
Tom shrugged again. “That’s up to you.”
“You do know I like the name Thomas. It has a Tudor-esque ring to it. You know how much I love Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Moore, God rest their souls. Practically everyone was named Thomas in that time. So if you really wanted me to, I suppose I could be coerced to call you Thomas,” I said grandly.
Tom set his magazine aside. “You can call me what you want. I don’t care.”
He was frustrating me. “What if I just wanted to abruptly change my name?” I asked.
Tom started tugging on a loose piece of skin from his hand. Ew. Why must he do that in front of me? “If you wanted to change your name then fine. I don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this.”
“I don’t know what to call my own husband anymore, that's why I'm making a big deal over this!”
“And I just told you to call me what you want.”
An evil glint came into my eye. “Fine. I’ll call you Mid Life Crisis Tom/Thomas then.”
“But I’m not having a mid life crisis.”
“Fine! Then to be on the safe side you’ll be Tom-slash-Thomas to me now. So Tom-slash-Thomas, what do you want for dinner?” I wondered sweetly.
“Don’t do that. Call me one or the other.”
(Was so tempted to call him One Or The Other, you have no idea how hard it was not to comment on that...)
“I like Tom-slash-Thomas. It has a fun ring to it," I said happily.
“Sometimes I think you need help,” Tom said, standing up. He headed into the kitchen.
“I love you, Tom-slash-Thomas!” I yelled to his back.
If The Coffee Table Could Talk

The table serves as a reminder of all the good things that have been in my life. It is a reminder of my past....where I once was, before Christ...and where I am now...with Christ in my life. It is my transformation reminder. It is my reminder of what He can do...if I let Him. Now, don't get me wrong...I truly am a person of change. When I get frustrated or angry...look at furniture it is rearranging time. I also love changing bedspreads, curtains, wall colors. I love new things. I love how they smell, look, make me feel. My husband has learned to just roll with the flow. He never knows what he is coming home to. After my dad died...my friend Susan spent a week with me. Frank left for work and we had cream colored walls everywhere...he came home and we had a taupe colored guest room and guest bath with new adornments. I had enough paint to do the hall and fireplace(idea from a Lowes you can do it catalog)...so watch out! I am hoping to talk Susan into coming back....I want to paint the living room and dining room too....and maybe my bedroom. I am tired of rental house drab....I want to spice it up a bit. I love the change that comes with new paint; new color. I don't have to have Coach or Dooney Burke purses. I don't need Jimmy Choo shoes...but Lord just give me a room transformation and I am the ultimate Happy Camper. I am a thrifty shoppe and I like things that I can change with little money. My table was one of those things...and I am reminded with I look at it that old things are also important. They are reminders of the past. Every time I look at my table....even though it has been transformed, I see the past...I remember sweet little Kathryn chewing on the corners as she cut her teeth....and I smile. My dishes...reminders of a teenager preparing for a new life as a wife someday. My dining room suite...part of my mom and dad, the guest bedroom suite - part of my Aunt MaeBelle's life with my Uncle Art...a cedar chest - a cast off from my MIL...photos....reminders of special events and trips. I hope one day my children will want to have one of these reminder's for their homes and it will give them the same pleasure I have gotten from them over the years. What is your memory keeper?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Nostril Recorder Adventures
Dear Yo Gabba Gabba,
Okay, you’ve had some bizarre moments on the show. You sing about a party in a tummy for craps sake. But this time you’ve outdone yourself.
With this:

I mean....is that little girl actually playing a recorder....WITH HER NOSE? Don’t you realize that by showing this it’ll make children run for their recorders so they can stuff it up their nostril?
I’m not kidding.
Watch my kid contemplate doing this.

He’s both disgusted and intrigued. Should I....shouldn’t I.....
And then, finally....

You teach a variety of lessons....from liking bugs, to trying new foods, to not biting your friends...and now I guess you can add playing a recorder with your nose to that list.
So thank you, Yo Gabba Gabba, for putting strange ideas in my son’s head.

It really is SUCH A JOY to see him walk across the room with a recorder up his nose.
(Let's hope he doesn't do this in music class though. I do not want a phone call from his teacher saying something like, "Erm, you have to come down, we have a nose situation going on....")
A Baffled You Stuck It Up WHERE?!
PS. Remind me to buy a lot of sanitizer.
Okay, you’ve had some bizarre moments on the show. You sing about a party in a tummy for craps sake. But this time you’ve outdone yourself.
With this:
I mean....is that little girl actually playing a recorder....WITH HER NOSE? Don’t you realize that by showing this it’ll make children run for their recorders so they can stuff it up their nostril?
I’m not kidding.
Watch my kid contemplate doing this.
He’s both disgusted and intrigued. Should I....shouldn’t I.....
And then, finally....
You teach a variety of lessons....from liking bugs, to trying new foods, to not biting your friends...and now I guess you can add playing a recorder with your nose to that list.
So thank you, Yo Gabba Gabba, for putting strange ideas in my son’s head.
It really is SUCH A JOY to see him walk across the room with a recorder up his nose.
(Let's hope he doesn't do this in music class though. I do not want a phone call from his teacher saying something like, "Erm, you have to come down, we have a nose situation going on....")
A Baffled You Stuck It Up WHERE?!
PS. Remind me to buy a lot of sanitizer.
To All The Other Mothers
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Charlie Chuckles
Well, yesterday I blogged about Drew's first birthday and I cannot leave my sweet and loving Charles Wheeler Brown out. His first birthday was four days before his cousin Drew's. He is such a little love box. He cuddles so good when you hug him and his laugh is so infectious. I cannot imagine life without Drew and Wheeler in it. They are the icing on my cake! Wheelers mom and dad are Susanna and David. David's mom, Amanda is my first cousin...I get all confused by that first cousin twice removed stuff....so breaking it down. I call Ramona (Drew's mom) and David(Wheeler's dad), my niece and nephew. Amanda is more like a sister to me. We have experienced a lot of loss and hurt throughout our lifetimes...she lost her dad, I lost my brother...so we just became family. Amanda, Missi, Linda, and Terry are the closest things I have to sisters...so back to Wheeler...His party is this weekend....so I will post some pictures of that later....today...I want to share with you Charlie Chuckles. We all need a good laugh from time to time....and it is said that it is the best medicine...and if you can sit there and not laugh along with Wheeler...you missed the boat. Happy Hump Day!
There Is No Talking
**There are no spoilers in this entry**
“So who is that, why do they keep doing flashbacks, is that the same guy from that other show you watch? Party of something?” The questions just shot from my husband Tom’s mouth. For a brief second I was tempted to shove the couch pillow into it.
I mean, it was LOST night.
Tom knows that during Lost night that he has to keep quiet. There is no talking during Lost night.
I paused the show and glared at him. “I’m going to quickly answer your questions so you’ll be quiet: that is Hurley, they do flashbacks to show you what would have happened had they never gone to the island, and yes, that’s Matthew Fox who played Charlie on Party of Five. Now let’s hush.” I even placed my finger to my lips in case he didn’t understand the word. I pushed play, settled back on the couch, and began to watch.
“How is that Hurley guy still fat, aren’t they on an island, wouldn’t he lose weight?” Tom blabbered.
Oh my GOD.
Did he NOT just hear me? There is NO TALKING DURING LOST NIGHT. Just as there is no crying in baseball, there is NO TALKING DURING LOST NIGHT.
I paused the show again.
“How about you go to bed now?” I knew I was treating Tom like a child but he was acting like one. He knows Lost night is the one night that I ask for quiet. During any other of my shows he’s welcome to talk. Like when he’s actually awake for Grey’s Anatomy he’ll be all, “What happened to Izzy, did she die, why does someone always cry during this show it’s really annoying…” I will happily answer those questions. I tell him that no, Izzy is alive, and that I have no idea why someone always cries in the show. I imagine it’s because working in the hospital can be quite trying. Much as living with a husband WHO TALKS DURING LOST NIGHT is.
“I don’t want to go to bed,” Tom pouted. Now he was truly acting like a child. “You know, we have a DVR you can record the show and watch it later if I bug you so much.”
I sighed and rubbed my temples. We had been through this many times before. “I like to watch Lost live. That way when it’s over I can discuss it with people. Now…are you going to be quiet now?”
Tom nodded once so I pushed play.
During a poignant scene Tom snored and went, “What’s Charlie’s problem? What did he mean that he came back to the island because he was broken? Who says things like that, ‘I was broken?’ I feel like I should pull out a violin and start playing.”
I angrily paused the show.
Tom flinched. “Jesus. Calm down. I don’t watch this show all the time, I have comments.”
“Keep them to yourself. I am not interested.”
“You’re mean, do you know that?”
“Only during Lost night.”
“This is confusing me, do you want to go upstairs for some sex?”
I groaned. “No. I don’t want to go upstairs for some sex. I just want to watch my show in peace. Okay?”
Tom stuck his tongue out at me but he thankfully kept quiet for the rest of the show. But then when it was over he went, “Wait. That’s it?”
“Yes. Lost always ends with a climax.”
“But I thought it was the final season.”
“Yes, Tom, it is.”
“That was the last show ever?”
I sighed again. “Tom. That wasn’t the last show. It’s just a show for the FINAL SEASON. The final episode won’t air until May.”
“Because I was gonna say what a shitty ending,” Tom said with a frown.
“That wasn’t the final ending, Tom.”
“Oh. That’s the only reason why I wanted to watch. You said it was the final one.”
“I said it was an episode for the final season, Tom.” I got up and went into the kitchen for an Excedrin. Tom was seriously giving me a headache.
Remind me to jabber on during those military shows that he always watches. I’ll ask dumb questions like, “Who is Patton, who is responsible for that awful mustache that Hitler sported, what kind of airplane is that, and that, and that, and that, and oh, what kind of tank is that, and that, and that, and that?”
Let’s see how HE likes it.
“So who is that, why do they keep doing flashbacks, is that the same guy from that other show you watch? Party of something?” The questions just shot from my husband Tom’s mouth. For a brief second I was tempted to shove the couch pillow into it.
I mean, it was LOST night.
Tom knows that during Lost night that he has to keep quiet. There is no talking during Lost night.
I paused the show and glared at him. “I’m going to quickly answer your questions so you’ll be quiet: that is Hurley, they do flashbacks to show you what would have happened had they never gone to the island, and yes, that’s Matthew Fox who played Charlie on Party of Five. Now let’s hush.” I even placed my finger to my lips in case he didn’t understand the word. I pushed play, settled back on the couch, and began to watch.
“How is that Hurley guy still fat, aren’t they on an island, wouldn’t he lose weight?” Tom blabbered.
Oh my GOD.
Did he NOT just hear me? There is NO TALKING DURING LOST NIGHT. Just as there is no crying in baseball, there is NO TALKING DURING LOST NIGHT.
I paused the show again.
“How about you go to bed now?” I knew I was treating Tom like a child but he was acting like one. He knows Lost night is the one night that I ask for quiet. During any other of my shows he’s welcome to talk. Like when he’s actually awake for Grey’s Anatomy he’ll be all, “What happened to Izzy, did she die, why does someone always cry during this show it’s really annoying…” I will happily answer those questions. I tell him that no, Izzy is alive, and that I have no idea why someone always cries in the show. I imagine it’s because working in the hospital can be quite trying. Much as living with a husband WHO TALKS DURING LOST NIGHT is.
“I don’t want to go to bed,” Tom pouted. Now he was truly acting like a child. “You know, we have a DVR you can record the show and watch it later if I bug you so much.”
I sighed and rubbed my temples. We had been through this many times before. “I like to watch Lost live. That way when it’s over I can discuss it with people. Now…are you going to be quiet now?”
Tom nodded once so I pushed play.
During a poignant scene Tom snored and went, “What’s Charlie’s problem? What did he mean that he came back to the island because he was broken? Who says things like that, ‘I was broken?’ I feel like I should pull out a violin and start playing.”
I angrily paused the show.
Tom flinched. “Jesus. Calm down. I don’t watch this show all the time, I have comments.”
“Keep them to yourself. I am not interested.”
“You’re mean, do you know that?”
“Only during Lost night.”
“This is confusing me, do you want to go upstairs for some sex?”
I groaned. “No. I don’t want to go upstairs for some sex. I just want to watch my show in peace. Okay?”
Tom stuck his tongue out at me but he thankfully kept quiet for the rest of the show. But then when it was over he went, “Wait. That’s it?”
“Yes. Lost always ends with a climax.”
“But I thought it was the final season.”
“Yes, Tom, it is.”
“That was the last show ever?”
I sighed again. “Tom. That wasn’t the last show. It’s just a show for the FINAL SEASON. The final episode won’t air until May.”
“Because I was gonna say what a shitty ending,” Tom said with a frown.
“That wasn’t the final ending, Tom.”
“Oh. That’s the only reason why I wanted to watch. You said it was the final one.”
“I said it was an episode for the final season, Tom.” I got up and went into the kitchen for an Excedrin. Tom was seriously giving me a headache.
Remind me to jabber on during those military shows that he always watches. I’ll ask dumb questions like, “Who is Patton, who is responsible for that awful mustache that Hitler sported, what kind of airplane is that, and that, and that, and that, and oh, what kind of tank is that, and that, and that, and that?”
Let’s see how HE likes it.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Drew Turns One!

What a day for my sweet little man....after opening all his presents he got down to a serious baseball game with his cousin. Wonder who won?

Finally it was time for all his guests to depart....and Drew showed them to the door.

What a great day for such a special little man. Happy Birthday my sweet Drew! You know...with all the sadness and stress that we face in life...it is so wonderful that God gives us these special little ones to remind us that even though life goes...it still goes on.
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. So without further ado…
Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday
To know that you probably aren’t going to do any of the things suggested in the latest Family Fun magazine (make bunnies from socks? No thanks.)
To rarely buy organic food.
To accidentally nearly set your house on fire when all you were trying to do is make some French Fries.
To tell your kids that if they don’t eat their broccoli that they’ll make Jesus cry.
To never ever work out at 5 in the morning.
To giggle at the celebrities who constantly tweet about meditation and going to yoga and loving edamame beans. Especially when you know that these celebrities have a penchant for partying and not wearing underwear.
To wince when a Toyota drives behind you and hope to God that their brakes work.
To think the American Association of Pediatrics must be insane to say that children under the age of 2 should not watch TV. These people must not have children.
To want to tell Tiger Woods’ mistresses who are whining that THEY didn’t get an apology to shut their traps and get some morals.
To thank the chocolate gods that your kid isn’t crazy about Justin Bieber, who always seems to be a trending topic on Twitter (WHY?).
To have been traumatized within the first 10 minutes of High School Musical and refuse to ever finish the rest.
To have a husband who makes everything you say be sexual. For instance, when you go “I’m going to have a pickle,” don’t be surprised when he gyrates his hips at you and says something like, “I have a pickle for you right here.” You’ll learn to ignore it, I promise.
Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday
To know that you probably aren’t going to do any of the things suggested in the latest Family Fun magazine (make bunnies from socks? No thanks.)
To rarely buy organic food.
To accidentally nearly set your house on fire when all you were trying to do is make some French Fries.
To tell your kids that if they don’t eat their broccoli that they’ll make Jesus cry.
To never ever work out at 5 in the morning.
To giggle at the celebrities who constantly tweet about meditation and going to yoga and loving edamame beans. Especially when you know that these celebrities have a penchant for partying and not wearing underwear.
To wince when a Toyota drives behind you and hope to God that their brakes work.
To think the American Association of Pediatrics must be insane to say that children under the age of 2 should not watch TV. These people must not have children.
To want to tell Tiger Woods’ mistresses who are whining that THEY didn’t get an apology to shut their traps and get some morals.
To thank the chocolate gods that your kid isn’t crazy about Justin Bieber, who always seems to be a trending topic on Twitter (WHY?).
To have been traumatized within the first 10 minutes of High School Musical and refuse to ever finish the rest.
To have a husband who makes everything you say be sexual. For instance, when you go “I’m going to have a pickle,” don’t be surprised when he gyrates his hips at you and says something like, “I have a pickle for you right here.” You’ll learn to ignore it, I promise.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Too Much Snow
There was snow.
A lot of snow.
There was a lot of snow and I had planned on driving to the YMCA to sign Tommy up for swim lessons. I pressed my nose against the window. Maybe the snow wasn’t so bad. I could drive through it, no problem. I could—wait—wait, crap. I squinted and saw that there was a car, about the same size as my own, stuck down the street.
That was not a good sign.
But I had to sign Tommy up for swim lessons. Saturday was the only day to do it.
I decided that my only option was to wake up Tom and have him take me. He has a gigantic truck. I don’t drive gigantic trucks. I don’t drive gigantic vehicles period. I’ve never felt comfortable in them. One time I sat in front of the wheel in Tom’s truck and I didn’t like the feeling. I know I should have felt in charge and powerful but I didn’t. Instead I felt like I was going to piss my pants.
I waited until two to get Tom up. He had worked the night shift and I knew he wouldn’t be pleased. But he had come to bed around six (and woke me up, I might add) and he’s always said that he really only needs five hours to be coherent. If I woke him up at 2, he’d have gotten at least eight hours so it would be okay.
I went into our room and rubbed Tom’s back.
“Tom,” I whispered.
He didn’t move.
“Tom,” I said again.
“Who ate the food?” Tom grumbled, turning over.
Huh? Sometimes he says the weirdest things. I should make a video and post it on YouTube just like that one wife who recorded her husband’s night time ramblings.
“No one ate anything. I need you to take us to the YMCA so I can sign Tommy up for swim lessons.”
One of Tom’s eyes cracked open. “Tommy?” He seemed confused, as though he had never heard the name before.
“Yes. Tommy. Your son. Your only heir,” I added.
Tom groaned into the pillow. “You’ve been watching The Tudors haven’t you?”
He always knows when I’ve been watching the The Tudors because I usually use the words “Majesty,” “heir,” and “we must go to the Tower of London someday!” after I’ve indulged in a few episodes.
“I already shoveled the driveway,” I said grandly. It had not been fun. It felt like the driveway went on forever. I was tempted to snap my fingers at the neighborhood kids who were playing outside and then tell them that I’d pay someone ten bucks to finish up. But I didn’t. I finished the job. My arms are aching now. This means I must be exceptionally weak.
I realized that Tom didn’t thank me for shoveling and frowned. Didn’t he realize how long our driveway was? And I had shoved it all on my own. Plus the sidewalks around our house. I always thank him when he shovels. Where was my thanks? Where was—oh, Tom went back to sleep.
“Tom,” I said, shaking him.
His eyes opened again. “Huh?”
“The swim lessons?”
Tom propped himself up on his elbows. “Fkljdafklj,” he mumbled.
“Okay great. See ya downstairs,” I said cheerfully.
Tom did make his way downstairs after taking the longest shower known to man. It must be nice to be able to shower that long without a child popping their head into the curtain and starting a conversation. It’s like, really, do you REALLY think conversing with me NOW is the best time? (Same with when I’m sitting on the toilet. As soon as I’m on my throne a billion questions are thrown at me. The toilet is NOT question and answer time, kids.)
“Is there any water left?” I joked as Tom came into the living room.
He didn’t get the joke. “Huh?” He scratched his head.
We were on our way a few minutes later.
“At least I get to try out my new Kevlar tires,” Tom said with a grin.
“Mmmmm yes, I hope they keep us safe,” I said noncommittally. I’m used to Tom’s obsession over his new tires.
The roads weren’t so bad. Until we got to the YMCA. The roads leading to the YMCA were pretty bad. I would have been petrified if I had driven there in my tiny car. But Tom’s truck easily got through it. When he parked in front of the building he pumped his fist in the air and went, “That’s Kevlar tire power, baby.”
Um, okay.
I ran in to pay for the lessons.
I’m proud to say that Tommy is now a proud member of the Minnow group. He starts March 1st at 630—remind me to DVR The Bachelor. I like to make fun of it see what sort of nonsense Jake will spout.
“Thanks for taking us,” I said to Tom.
“No problem. You should thank the Kevlar tires too.”
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you Kevlar tires.” I cupped my hand around my ear. “What’s that Kevlar tires? You want to get some ice cream?”
Tom smirked. “Ice cream?”
I pretended to be interested in my nail. “Tom, I’m just giving your Kevlar tires what they want…”
Ten minutes later I had a two scoop sundae.
So thanks, Kevlar tires. For real, this time.
There was snow.
A lot of snow.
There was a lot of snow and I had planned on driving to the YMCA to sign Tommy up for swim lessons. I pressed my nose against the window. Maybe the snow wasn’t so bad. I could drive through it, no problem. I could—wait—wait, crap. I squinted and saw that there was a car, about the same size as my own, stuck down the street.
That was not a good sign.
But I had to sign Tommy up for swim lessons. Saturday was the only day to do it.
I decided that my only option was to wake up Tom and have him take me. He has a gigantic truck. I don’t drive gigantic trucks. I don’t drive gigantic vehicles period. I’ve never felt comfortable in them. One time I sat in front of the wheel in Tom’s truck and I didn’t like the feeling. I know I should have felt in charge and powerful but I didn’t. Instead I felt like I was going to piss my pants.
I waited until two to get Tom up. He had worked the night shift and I knew he wouldn’t be pleased. But he had come to bed around six (and woke me up, I might add) and he’s always said that he really only needs five hours to be coherent. If I woke him up at 2, he’d have gotten at least eight hours so it would be okay.
I went into our room and rubbed Tom’s back.
“Tom,” I whispered.
He didn’t move.
“Tom,” I said again.
“Who ate the food?” Tom grumbled, turning over.
Huh? Sometimes he says the weirdest things. I should make a video and post it on YouTube just like that one wife who recorded her husband’s night time ramblings.
“No one ate anything. I need you to take us to the YMCA so I can sign Tommy up for swim lessons.”
One of Tom’s eyes cracked open. “Tommy?” He seemed confused, as though he had never heard the name before.
“Yes. Tommy. Your son. Your only heir,” I added.
Tom groaned into the pillow. “You’ve been watching The Tudors haven’t you?”
He always knows when I’ve been watching the The Tudors because I usually use the words “Majesty,” “heir,” and “we must go to the Tower of London someday!” after I’ve indulged in a few episodes.
“I already shoveled the driveway,” I said grandly. It had not been fun. It felt like the driveway went on forever. I was tempted to snap my fingers at the neighborhood kids who were playing outside and then tell them that I’d pay someone ten bucks to finish up. But I didn’t. I finished the job. My arms are aching now. This means I must be exceptionally weak.
I realized that Tom didn’t thank me for shoveling and frowned. Didn’t he realize how long our driveway was? And I had shoved it all on my own. Plus the sidewalks around our house. I always thank him when he shovels. Where was my thanks? Where was—oh, Tom went back to sleep.
“Tom,” I said, shaking him.
His eyes opened again. “Huh?”
“The swim lessons?”
Tom propped himself up on his elbows. “Fkljdafklj,” he mumbled.
“Okay great. See ya downstairs,” I said cheerfully.
Tom did make his way downstairs after taking the longest shower known to man. It must be nice to be able to shower that long without a child popping their head into the curtain and starting a conversation. It’s like, really, do you REALLY think conversing with me NOW is the best time? (Same with when I’m sitting on the toilet. As soon as I’m on my throne a billion questions are thrown at me. The toilet is NOT question and answer time, kids.)
“Is there any water left?” I joked as Tom came into the living room.
He didn’t get the joke. “Huh?” He scratched his head.
We were on our way a few minutes later.
“At least I get to try out my new Kevlar tires,” Tom said with a grin.
“Mmmmm yes, I hope they keep us safe,” I said noncommittally. I’m used to Tom’s obsession over his new tires.
The roads weren’t so bad. Until we got to the YMCA. The roads leading to the YMCA were pretty bad. I would have been petrified if I had driven there in my tiny car. But Tom’s truck easily got through it. When he parked in front of the building he pumped his fist in the air and went, “That’s Kevlar tire power, baby.”
Um, okay.
I ran in to pay for the lessons.
I’m proud to say that Tommy is now a proud member of the Minnow group. He starts March 1st at 630—remind me to DVR The Bachelor. I like to make fun of it see what sort of nonsense Jake will spout.
“Thanks for taking us,” I said to Tom.
“No problem. You should thank the Kevlar tires too.”
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you Kevlar tires.” I cupped my hand around my ear. “What’s that Kevlar tires? You want to get some ice cream?”
Tom smirked. “Ice cream?”
I pretended to be interested in my nail. “Tom, I’m just giving your Kevlar tires what they want…”
Ten minutes later I had a two scoop sundae.
So thanks, Kevlar tires. For real, this time.
Monday's Soapbox Topic

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday Dinner

I cooked dinner for my friends Deborah and Danny tonight. It was a belated birthday meal. Sometimes we go out for our birthdays but this weekend I wanted to do something special. So....we ate at the dining room table....with the china....and candles. It was a great meal. Good company, good food, and great fellowship made the evening just perfect. I served green beans (my favorite veggie), corn, shepherds pie, garlic bread, Italian salad, and topped it off with applesauce poor man's pie. Yummm Yummmm. The Shepherds pie was so good I thought I would share the recipe with you....especially those of you who have meat and potatoes kinds of guys in your life. This dish is a great way to use leftover beef and mashed potatoes!
•1 large onion, quartered and sliced
•2 tablespoons butter or margarine
•2 cups diced leftover roast beef, or 2 cups of browned, ground hamburger meat
•2 cups brown or beef gravy, leftover or prepared from mix
•1/2 cup sliced or diced cooked carrots
•1 cup frozen peas, cooked
•salt and pepper, to taste
•2 cups leftover mashed potatoes, or make them fresh it does not matter
Melt butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat; add onions. Sauté onions until tender; add diced beef, gravy, carrots, and peas. Heat through; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Transfer to baking dish. Microwave the potatoes if they are left over and spoon the potatoes over the shepherd's pie meat and vegetables (press potatoes through a pastry tube, if desired). Bake shepherd's pie at 400° for about 30 minutes, or until mashed potatoes are browned and gravy is bubbling. Shepherd's pie serves 4. I hope you enjoy it. It is a great company meal and comfort food on a cold winters night. Bon Appetite!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Super Saturday
Wow...last night Mary, Kat, Shareefah, Pam and I met at Niffers for dinner and then did a movie. We went to see When in Rome. Ladies, if you have not seen this and want a cute chick flick to go to with your gal pals this is the one. I enjoyed the heck out of it. Today, I got up and went to see my Aunt Shirley. My cousin Missi and her precious hubby Clay are staying with her this weekend. They live in Nashville...and came down to give Linda a break and Amanda and Randy a chance to go to their grandson Drew's first birthday in Panama City. I had a great visit with them all. I was only going to stay for about an hour, because visitors really seem to tire my aunt out these days...and three hours later I left. When I got home my precious Frank invited me on a date. We went to Mikata's Japanese Steak House in Opelika. I love this place. It thrills me when the guy starts his cooking shinanigans. Sigh! What a great couple of days...perfect weather...perfect people around me. Who could ask for more? Certainly not me. Happy Saturday!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Attack of the Bubble Girl
Let’s be quiet.
I’m hiding.
I’m hiding from Natalie.
Why am I hiding from my two year old?
Because she wants me to blow bubbles for her.
I can’t blow bubbles all day long. I just can’t. I’ll tell her that we’re all done with bubbles and hide them.
But guess what happens a few minutes later?

SHE FINDS THEM. All the time! She must have some inner bubble detector or something.
I’m starting to have nightmares. A giant bubble is chasing me...and if it’s not a giant bubble, it’s a bubble wand.
Because I’ll be doing my cleaning, right?
And suddenly I’ll turn around and there she is!

What I want to yell is, “I don’t want to blow anymore fecking bubbles!” But you aren’t supposed to A) yell at children or B) use choice words at them. It could damage their psyche or something.
I’ll politely tell Natalie that no, Mommy is done with bubbles and I’ll continue with my cleaning.
I’ll turn around and....

WHY WON’T SHE LEAVE ME ALONE? I’m really not as entertaining as she thinks. I need my space. Doesn’t she need her space? Bubbles really aren’t that interesting. If you’ve seen one bubble, you’ve seen them all.

I need one of those automatic bubble blowers. But I bet it won’t be the same to Natalie. She’ll frown at the machine, switch it off, tip toe behind me as I do the dishes and when I turn around I’ll see…
Let’s be quiet.
I’m hiding.
I’m hiding from Natalie.
Why am I hiding from my two year old?
Because she wants me to blow bubbles for her.
I can’t blow bubbles all day long. I just can’t. I’ll tell her that we’re all done with bubbles and hide them.
But guess what happens a few minutes later?
SHE FINDS THEM. All the time! She must have some inner bubble detector or something.
I’m starting to have nightmares. A giant bubble is chasing me...and if it’s not a giant bubble, it’s a bubble wand.
Because I’ll be doing my cleaning, right?
And suddenly I’ll turn around and there she is!
What I want to yell is, “I don’t want to blow anymore fecking bubbles!” But you aren’t supposed to A) yell at children or B) use choice words at them. It could damage their psyche or something.
I’ll politely tell Natalie that no, Mommy is done with bubbles and I’ll continue with my cleaning.
I’ll turn around and....
WHY WON’T SHE LEAVE ME ALONE? I’m really not as entertaining as she thinks. I need my space. Doesn’t she need her space? Bubbles really aren’t that interesting. If you’ve seen one bubble, you’ve seen them all.
I need one of those automatic bubble blowers. But I bet it won’t be the same to Natalie. She’ll frown at the machine, switch it off, tip toe behind me as I do the dishes and when I turn around I’ll see…
Oh What A Night!

I am a bowling fool. Tuesday nights I bowl on a women's league. Thursday nights I bowl with Frank on a mixed Christian league. I am not a good bowler,and Lord knows I am not consistent...I have my own ball, shoes and bag. I am a pro!(NOT!) Most of the time I am lucky to hit my average...but I have fun. Up until this year I was the only female bowling with Jerry O'Neil (carries a 200+ average), John Naler (carried a 189 average), and Frank (carries a 160 average). I had a 118 average. I am a definitely a good partner on a handicap league because I have a large sized one. This year John hurt his shoulder and was not going to be able to bowl....so Jerry's wife MaeLynn joined our team. Our team name is 2 Queens and 2 Jokers. You can figure out who is who. My average has improved a bit...it is now a 129...but tonight....tonight was a dream come true. Every Tuesday and Thursday night...when some person bowls a 200+ game, Mike, the owner, calls out their name and score over the loud speaker. The closest I have ever gotten was a 179...I knew one day...One day it would be my turn....and Thursday night, February 18th...my dream came true. I was hitting well and bowled a 135 the first game, a 145, the second...and the third game I only had one open frame. I ended up with a 201. I wondered on the 10 frame why everyone seemed so quiet...I did not know what my score was....during the 10th frame...I bowled three strikes (my first Turkey)...I was so excited...and then Frank grabbed me and asked me if I knew what my score was...I was stunned when he said I had a 201! Wooo Hooo...my name was called out tonight....the only thing was...most of the crowd had left...but it did not matter...I heard Mike say, Karen Korb rolled a 201 tonight and only has a 129 average. Ahhhhh...sometimes in life you are blessed with tiny little treats...and mine was a tasty one! Happy Friday to all!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Things (and people) That Annoy Me
1. The word vajayjay. It’s called a vagina. I’ll forgive bajingo (from Scrubs) only because it makes me giggle.
2. Commercials popping on after only five minutes of show time (I’m talking to YOU, Lost)
3. Jake (The Bachelor) and his cheesy comments, “When you left, you left with a piece of my heart.”
4. Scrubbing up toddler pee because said toddler refuses to use the potty even though she’s quite capable of doing so. Sometimes I wonder if I have a puppy rather than a kid.
5. Having a nice dress but no place to wear it to.
6. Overpriced purses. If I’m carrying around a Coach purse with the logo on it, I should be paid for free advertising.
7. Tom wanting to watch cartoons all the time. Hello, I’m 27, I don’t want to sit around watching Spongebob. Thanks.
8. Some of the mothers on Toddlers and Tiaras.
9. iTunes charging $1.29 on select songs as opposed to .99 cents.
10. People who let their pants droop down, exposing their underwear. I don’t need to see that you wear Calvin Klein drawers.
11. Cold McDonalds fries.
12. People who use the word “gorge” for “gorgeous.” Is it so difficult to say the entire word?
13. Oh, Tom has one that he’d like to share: Tom is a military cop which means he pulls some people over. He hates it when people don’t know where their information is. Such as their registration, insurance…he finds it aggravating that he has to wait while people dig through their car, searching for it. Tom’s tip? Put it in the dashboard. Don’t toss it in the backseat, don’t let Timmy the Toddler mess with it, don’t shove it somewhere…PUT IT IN THE DASHBOARD.
14. And also, if Tom hears “I left my registration at home” one more time, he might go off the deep end.
2. Commercials popping on after only five minutes of show time (I’m talking to YOU, Lost)
3. Jake (The Bachelor) and his cheesy comments, “When you left, you left with a piece of my heart.”
4. Scrubbing up toddler pee because said toddler refuses to use the potty even though she’s quite capable of doing so. Sometimes I wonder if I have a puppy rather than a kid.
5. Having a nice dress but no place to wear it to.
6. Overpriced purses. If I’m carrying around a Coach purse with the logo on it, I should be paid for free advertising.
7. Tom wanting to watch cartoons all the time. Hello, I’m 27, I don’t want to sit around watching Spongebob. Thanks.
8. Some of the mothers on Toddlers and Tiaras.
9. iTunes charging $1.29 on select songs as opposed to .99 cents.
10. People who let their pants droop down, exposing their underwear. I don’t need to see that you wear Calvin Klein drawers.
11. Cold McDonalds fries.
12. People who use the word “gorge” for “gorgeous.” Is it so difficult to say the entire word?
13. Oh, Tom has one that he’d like to share: Tom is a military cop which means he pulls some people over. He hates it when people don’t know where their information is. Such as their registration, insurance…he finds it aggravating that he has to wait while people dig through their car, searching for it. Tom’s tip? Put it in the dashboard. Don’t toss it in the backseat, don’t let Timmy the Toddler mess with it, don’t shove it somewhere…PUT IT IN THE DASHBOARD.
14. And also, if Tom hears “I left my registration at home” one more time, he might go off the deep end.
A Second Cup of Coffee and the Olympics

1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be? I would be a figure skater. It would be a stretch because grace is not in my vocabulary...but I dream I am graceful.
2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past? It would have to be Dorothy Hamils big win, her hair cut, and Nadia Comineche...and her perfect tens.
3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics? I have not ever been that lucky. Although...I did know Chris Everett Loyd when I was young and played tennis for Parks and Rec in Florida. That was my close to athletic fame.
4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in? Multitasking for sure! I think I can outdo everyone.
5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage? yes, I am Scottish/Cherokee Indian on my father's side of the family and Irish/Creek Indian on my mom's. I am a Heinz 57 for sure.
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late? No! I get up close to the same time 365 days a year. I teach school and just never get out of the routine.
7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? (Yes, that's two, I know. Whatevs.) I do know how....but the thought of doing it grosses me to the max.
8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why. Scotland. I have been to Ireland, Wales and England twice and would love to complete the romantic journey of the last of the Emerald Isle.
9. Have you ever fixed up a couple romantically? No. I leave that to Cupid.
10. What is the last book you read? Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. I cried my eyes out!
11. Do you enjoy sleeping late? NO, YOU write the question! How's that for random?? Where is the farthest you have traveled? Was it business or pleasure?
12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant? Restaurant? One? I can't chose just one...so you get them all. Hummmm....Caraba's...Mezzaluna, Provinos(Opelika, AL) - Manicotti, Dixie Crossroads (Titusville, FL) - Rock shrimp and corn hushpuppies, The Fish Market(Birmingham, AL) - the greek salad, Sashi's (Montgomery, AL) - Chicken salad and any dessert, Russo's (West Palm Beach) best Italian subs in the world, Wild Wing Cafe (Charleston or Greenville, SC) - Colorado Coppers Wings.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fun Dip!
Tommy had a Valentine's Day party on Friday.
He came home with a bag of Valentine's cards and treats. I peeked in and saw something that excited me.

"Fun dip! Can I have your fun dip?" I asked Tommy, who was a bit confused over his mother's excitement over candy.
I composed myself. Amber, you're 27, you shouldn't be getting excited over FUN DIP anymore.
"You can have it," Tommy said, passing it over.
Tommy doesn't like Fun Dip. He prefers plain chocolate, plain M&Ms....
As I dug through Tommy's bag, I found something that disturbed me. When I took it out I went, "Ahhh!"

"What is it?" Tommy wondered, eyes big.
"Twilight candy." I shoved it away with my index finger. "How can a second grader like Twilight? If Natalie were in second grade and liked Twilight, I'd say, 'If a man ever took your engine from your vehicle, like Edward did to Bella, kick him in the nuts.' I'd remind her that Edward is NOT the type of guy to strive for."
Tommy made a face. "Girls talk about Twilight in my class. They like a guy named....named...."
"Jacob," I sighed.
Tommy nodded. "Yeah. Him."
"That's what I say!" Tommy agreed.
Ahh yes. My little anti-Twilighter.
I can't seem to escape the Twilight thing though. When my friend Amanda came over, she was bearing gifts.

People seem to like my reaction to Twilight stuff. It's usually in the form of a yelp. I had to turn the boxes around because I didn't like the way Edward was staring at me whenever I came into the kitchen. Who would want their man to stare at them like that?
Anyhow, on the actual Valentine's Day I set out gifts. No Twilight stuff in sight.

I posted what I got in yesterday's entry.
Tommy got workbooks. He loves to do workbooks. He's doing multiplication now. I don't remember doing that until third of fourth grade. But apparently he passed his subtraction test and was able to move onto multiplication and he wants to be really good at it. So he practices. And he practices. And he practices. He's one of those kids who wants to get everything right the first time. If he doesn't, he's frustrated and he'll cry.
He's like this when he swims too. The teacher will tell him how to kick and how to use his arms. If he doesn't get it right he's all, "Let me try again, please." Of course he can't try again because there are other students in the class. So he'll be in the corner, focusing on how he needs to move his arms, how he needs to kick while the other kids splash and giggle at each other.
It's just how Tommy is.
Speaking of Tommy, he was surprised when I made pancakes on Valentine's Day.
"But it's not Christmas," Tommy pointed out.
"I can make pancakes on other days," I answered.
"What are these dark things?" Tommy frowned at his plate of pink pancakes.
"Chocolate chips!"
"I'm not sure if I'll like that, Mommy." Tommy said this knowingly, not meanly.
"Just try it," I urged.
And so he did.
"It's okay," he admitted. "Not my favorite though."

I dubbed them the Pepto Bismol Pancakes.
And for dinner, I ordered HEART pizza:

He came home with a bag of Valentine's cards and treats. I peeked in and saw something that excited me.
"Fun dip! Can I have your fun dip?" I asked Tommy, who was a bit confused over his mother's excitement over candy.
I composed myself. Amber, you're 27, you shouldn't be getting excited over FUN DIP anymore.
"You can have it," Tommy said, passing it over.
Tommy doesn't like Fun Dip. He prefers plain chocolate, plain M&Ms....
As I dug through Tommy's bag, I found something that disturbed me. When I took it out I went, "Ahhh!"
"What is it?" Tommy wondered, eyes big.
"Twilight candy." I shoved it away with my index finger. "How can a second grader like Twilight? If Natalie were in second grade and liked Twilight, I'd say, 'If a man ever took your engine from your vehicle, like Edward did to Bella, kick him in the nuts.' I'd remind her that Edward is NOT the type of guy to strive for."
Tommy made a face. "Girls talk about Twilight in my class. They like a guy named....named...."
"Jacob," I sighed.
Tommy nodded. "Yeah. Him."
"That's what I say!" Tommy agreed.
Ahh yes. My little anti-Twilighter.
I can't seem to escape the Twilight thing though. When my friend Amanda came over, she was bearing gifts.
People seem to like my reaction to Twilight stuff. It's usually in the form of a yelp. I had to turn the boxes around because I didn't like the way Edward was staring at me whenever I came into the kitchen. Who would want their man to stare at them like that?
Anyhow, on the actual Valentine's Day I set out gifts. No Twilight stuff in sight.
I posted what I got in yesterday's entry.
Tommy got workbooks. He loves to do workbooks. He's doing multiplication now. I don't remember doing that until third of fourth grade. But apparently he passed his subtraction test and was able to move onto multiplication and he wants to be really good at it. So he practices. And he practices. And he practices. He's one of those kids who wants to get everything right the first time. If he doesn't, he's frustrated and he'll cry.
He's like this when he swims too. The teacher will tell him how to kick and how to use his arms. If he doesn't get it right he's all, "Let me try again, please." Of course he can't try again because there are other students in the class. So he'll be in the corner, focusing on how he needs to move his arms, how he needs to kick while the other kids splash and giggle at each other.
It's just how Tommy is.
Speaking of Tommy, he was surprised when I made pancakes on Valentine's Day.
"But it's not Christmas," Tommy pointed out.
"I can make pancakes on other days," I answered.
"What are these dark things?" Tommy frowned at his plate of pink pancakes.
"Chocolate chips!"
"I'm not sure if I'll like that, Mommy." Tommy said this knowingly, not meanly.
"Just try it," I urged.
And so he did.
"It's okay," he admitted. "Not my favorite though."
I dubbed them the Pepto Bismol Pancakes.
And for dinner, I ordered HEART pizza:
Ash Wednesday to the Easter Person

You all know that I am a preacher's wife and I guess my favorite religious holiday has to be Easter and all that it represents. I love it! I love that it is in the Spring. I love that Easter lillies are the flower used most during this holiday. I love the new dresses and shiny white maryjanes on the little girls. I love the music...and the stories....I love getting to sing Via Dolarosa with Rhonda on Palm Sunday. I love the fact that churches bulge at the seems....I just love the whole event. Valentine's Day Sunday was Transfiguration Sunday and my altar at church was a swan vase with Camellias....representing the Ugly Duckling I was before Christ came into my life...and the swan I am with Christ in my life....now there is today. Today kicks off Lent...which leads up to Easter. Today, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent and occurs forty-six days (forty days not counting Sundays) before Easter. It is a moveable fast, falling on a different date each year because it is dependent on the date of Easter. It can occur as early as 4 February or as late as 10 March. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are typically gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. In the liturgical practice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Catechumens[1] (one of the sacred oils used to anoint those about to be baptized), though some churches use ordinary oil. This paste is used by the minister who presides at the service to make the sign of the cross, first upon his or her own forehead and then on those of congregants. The minister administering ashes recites the words: "Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return", or "Repent, and believe the Gospel." Our church is having two services today, at 12:00 and 6:00. Since I am at school today...it is not a National Holiday....I will be attending the 6:00 service. During Lent most Christians sacrifice something...or give something up for Lent. Frank says every year that he is going to give up Work! So far that has not worked. Poor Frank. I, on the other hand, have given up things like french fries(which I adore), Diet Cokes, chocolate, caffeine(now that one was a killer)...and one year I even did something totally off the wall and wrote a letter for each of the 40 days to someone who has meant something spiritually to me. That one was my personal favorite. This year I have been praying about what I am to give up and last night it came to me. I am giving up sweets AND french fries. I am hitting myself with a double whammy.....so please pray for me as I face the next 40 days.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I Understand
I may not understand why Tom is unable to change the toilet paper roll.

I may not understand why Tom can’t get his dirty clothes in the hamper.

I may not understand why Tom leaves his dirty dishes and trash around the house.

But I do understand....

....that Tom does love me.
Because even though writing about his feeling pains him....

....he does it because he knows how much I love to read what he has to say.
I also understand that Tom took it a step further...

...and wrote a love note for me in the base paper. (Yes, he forget the “a” in front of “very” but who cares about that? He wrote me a love note in the PAPER!)
I may not understand why Tom can’t get his dirty clothes in the hamper.
I may not understand why Tom leaves his dirty dishes and trash around the house.
But I do understand....
....that Tom does love me.
Because even though writing about his feeling pains him....
....he does it because he knows how much I love to read what he has to say.
I also understand that Tom took it a step further...
...and wrote a love note for me in the base paper. (Yes, he forget the “a” in front of “very” but who cares about that? He wrote me a love note in the PAPER!)
Firefly Lane

Monday, February 15, 2010
The Definition of Boredom

Pronunciation: \ˈbȯr-dəm\ Function: noun : the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest. It should also have a post script that says see: our speaker. I have been teaching my classes the difference between the verb ser (which means to be) and estar (which also means to be). Ser is a trait that does not change easily....la señora es aburrida(the lady is boring)...using ser. I am sure it is her personality trait. BUT....yo estoy aburrida (I am bored)....using estar...this condition will change as soon as she dismisses us. My watch battery must be dying because the time is going by way to slow. What a perfect Monday!....NOT!
Remember the Stew?
So remember that stew I made on Friday?
The one I slaved over?
Okay, fine, so it wasn’t that difficult seeing as I had to just throw everything into the Crock Pot. But still, I had to cut the bacon, the onions, the meat…and you have to understand, I hate cutting things. I’m not good at cutting. I’m always worried that I’m going to slice off one of my fingers. And who wants to be the mother with only nine fingers? I certainly don’t. (“Oh, that’s Tommy’s Mom, did you know she only has nine fingers? Yes, apparently she lost one in a kitchen accident..)
Aside from the cutting, I also had to deal with Natalie wanting to “help.” Some parents love their children in the kitchen “helping.” I am not one of those people. I’d prefer to have my kids in the living room. Watching. As in, watching TV, out of my hair. Cooking stresses me out as it is. Add children and it just adds to the frustration. (“Natalie…sweetheart…we don’t touch the raw meat...no...no...please stop tossing the flour in the air, it’s NOT like confetti!”)
If Natalie wasn’t “helping” she was asking me all sorts of questions. She brought in her box of crayons and would hold one up and ask seriously, “What color is dis?” I really can’t be distracted when I’m cooking because then I’ll make all sorts of mistakes. I’m bad at cooking, therefore I have to put my full concentration to it. There I was measuring things and Natalie would go, “What color is dis?” and poke the crayon in my thigh until I’d respond.
“Um, blue,” I said absently as I leveled off the measuring cup.
“No, it’s NOT blue, it’s lellow!” Natalie shouted at me. If she KNEW that, then why ask?
Bottom line, making the stew was not easy.
But guess what?
No one in this house ate it but me! I thought it was good. But Tom doesn’t like stew. He says all stews tastes off to him. Oh, but I bet if I brought Megan Fox in here and said that SHE made it he’d at least try a bite.
Natalie just played with hers. At one point she picked up a carrot and squeezed it through her fingers. Orange mush dropped all over the carpet.
And Tommy?
This was Tommy’s reaction:

I think I'm going back to making macaroni and cheese.
The one I slaved over?
Okay, fine, so it wasn’t that difficult seeing as I had to just throw everything into the Crock Pot. But still, I had to cut the bacon, the onions, the meat…and you have to understand, I hate cutting things. I’m not good at cutting. I’m always worried that I’m going to slice off one of my fingers. And who wants to be the mother with only nine fingers? I certainly don’t. (“Oh, that’s Tommy’s Mom, did you know she only has nine fingers? Yes, apparently she lost one in a kitchen accident..)
Aside from the cutting, I also had to deal with Natalie wanting to “help.” Some parents love their children in the kitchen “helping.” I am not one of those people. I’d prefer to have my kids in the living room. Watching. As in, watching TV, out of my hair. Cooking stresses me out as it is. Add children and it just adds to the frustration. (“Natalie…sweetheart…we don’t touch the raw meat...no...no...please stop tossing the flour in the air, it’s NOT like confetti!”)
If Natalie wasn’t “helping” she was asking me all sorts of questions. She brought in her box of crayons and would hold one up and ask seriously, “What color is dis?” I really can’t be distracted when I’m cooking because then I’ll make all sorts of mistakes. I’m bad at cooking, therefore I have to put my full concentration to it. There I was measuring things and Natalie would go, “What color is dis?” and poke the crayon in my thigh until I’d respond.
“Um, blue,” I said absently as I leveled off the measuring cup.
“No, it’s NOT blue, it’s lellow!” Natalie shouted at me. If she KNEW that, then why ask?
Bottom line, making the stew was not easy.
But guess what?
No one in this house ate it but me! I thought it was good. But Tom doesn’t like stew. He says all stews tastes off to him. Oh, but I bet if I brought Megan Fox in here and said that SHE made it he’d at least try a bite.
Natalie just played with hers. At one point she picked up a carrot and squeezed it through her fingers. Orange mush dropped all over the carpet.
And Tommy?
This was Tommy’s reaction:
I think I'm going back to making macaroni and cheese.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day - Happy Single Awareness Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
And I Thought It Was Just An Onion!

Whatever, what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eventhough I didn't know about the farmer's story I actually had read an article that said to cut both ends off an onion, put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs. I have never tried this but I might. Historically, onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years. Obviously these two smelly foods do more than just ward off vampires. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
That part of the email was interesting. The part that scared me to death was that I did not know leftover onions are poisonous. Did you? I personally have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, I mean come on.... sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later. Now with this info, I have changed my mind.....will buy smaller onions in the future. According to the original author of this email, "...she had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. Her friend, Jeanne, is the CEO. Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist. The guy who gave her the tour was named Ed. He's one of the brothers. Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula.. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's. Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. I cater with Deborah and when we clean up after a wedding, anything with cream cheese or mayonanaise is history. It turns out lots of people are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer was surprising. Ed said that all commercially- made Mayo is completely safe. "It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quintessential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick. Ed went on to say that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed said it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES. He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator. It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!) Hummm...I wondered at the last Biscuit game I went to why my stomach hurt so much...I thought it was the gigantic footlong, the popcorn, the biscuit...and all the while...it was probably the onion. Amazing! Anyways, Ed went on to say that if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down. So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I (the author) am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.' Oh and one more thing..dogs should never eat onions(not that Beau would). Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions ...Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infections because of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning. And that is your food lesson for the day....
and on that note....have a Happy Saturday. I know I am going to. Frank is off today, and the roads are icy...so I am going to lay around with my sweet hubby and watch the Winter Olympics.
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's Snowing!
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
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