Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's SITSmas! Celebrate and Pig Out!

Number of times that I've wrapped presents: over 20

Number of times that I've shouted at Natalie to stop unwrapping the presents: at least 50

Number of ornaments broken (so far): 4 (poor Big Bird!)

Number of Christmas cookies eaten: er...four...fine, seven. FINE, ten. But in my defense, not all at once.

Number of times I shouted “Be good or Santa isn’t coming!”: tons and tons and tons.

So, it’s SITSmas (find more information about SITS here) and I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Or I should be PC and say, “Happy Holidays!” Whatever you celebrate, eat lots of food, that’s my motto.

I attempted to take some Christmas photos.

Here’s my daughter Natalie by to tree. Actually NOT breaking an ornament for once.

I thought this would be a nice festive look and would make my son Tommy look like an angel (ha!) Instead he’s obviously thinking, “Get this the EFF off of me!”

Then I tried to get a good photo of them together and I’m not sure how well it turned out. And yes, Natalie is not wearing pants because she’s going through a phase where pants are bad. Now I’m worried she’s going to start hanging out with Lindsay Lohan, who also seems to have the same motto.

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