So here they are. My resolutions.
1. I resolve to my nicer to my husband....
...unless he continues to leave his dirty dishes by the sink. I don’t understand. Why can’t he wash them out? I mean, I suppose I should be grateful that he doesn’t just leave dishes at the table like he used to. It’s progress that he brings them to the sink now. But still. When I say, “Please wash off your dish when you’re done eating,” why doesn’t he? Please tell me that the Man Clean Gene clicks on at 30.
2. I resolve to be a more patient mother.....
...unless my kids continue to do things like this.
3. I resolve to not shop as much....
...unless Gymboree continues to release lines as cute as this.
4. I resolve to get my book published...
...unless I can’t find an agent to represent me. I’ve read some agent’s blogs and some were saying that chick lit is out. I hope it’s not out. Chick lit is what I’m writing. If it’s out, could it possibly be brought back in? Please?
5. I resolve to not lose my temper as often....
...unless my husband keeps doing things like this. Seriously. Why does he toss his boxers right by the laundry basket? And why can't he change the toilet paper roll?
6. I resolve to start cooking more...
...unless the recipe contains more than 5 ingredients. And if I don't know what exactly the ingredients are. I found this one recipe that called for mascarpone. What is mascarpone? Is it a cheese? It sounds like a cheese. Why couldn't they have put 3 1/2 oz of mascarpone (cheese) so the confused people like me knew exactly what it was?
7. I resolve to try and be more stylish so I don’t turn into a frumpy Mom…...
...unless I can borrow a stylist, that is. I have no idea what is fashionable. I was watching a program and apparently paint stained jeans are all the rage. This confuses me. Why would I fork over money for dirty jeans? Shouldn’t we be trying to avoid getting paint on jeans?
8. I resolve to not buy as many books since I’m running out of room to put them...
...unless Marian Keyes has a new book out. I have to buy all of her books. Oh, and Meg Cabot’s books. And Jane Green’s!
9. I resolve to stop shouting at the people who I see texting and driving...
....unless they keep texting and driving. Seriously, is your life that important that you can’t wait to text?
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