If not, you can read about it here.
This is just a tiny recap on what happened:
--We were going to get family photos done
--About an hour before we were set to leave, Tom's work called him and he had to go in
--I decided to go ahead with the pictures since they didn't have any other convenient times
--Things started out okay. Then Natalie fuh-lipped the freak out. Then Tommy freaked out. Then I freaked out.
--I managed to spend $100 on pictures and I had no idea what I bought seeing as I was so upset
So yeah. I have the pictures back. I've had them for awhile, I just forgot to share.
This is our family photo. My smile looks strained because the photographer was taking forever on snapping the picture. Plus I had been crying thirty minutes before since Tom wasn't able to make it so my eyes are all puffy. I was also stressed trying to get Natalie to stand beside me. She didn't want to stand beside me. It's why she's standing there looking somewhat perturbed and confused.
I love this picture. We took this one next and I started to relax thinking that everything would be okay. But no, it wasn't okay, because soon after this was taken, Natalie had a fit. I'm not sure what happened. Was it the diseased bear that the photographer was swinging around her, trying to get her to smile? Who knows?
While Natalie screamed, Tommy posed for a picture. I tried to get one of just her but she wasn't having it.
I also had a photo with me sitting with Tommy and then with me sitting with Natalie. I look like hell in those photos so I won't be sharing. In those, my smile definately looks strained (probably because I wanted to scream, "KIDS! Relax! Stop acting like wild animals!") and Tommy looks downright pissed off.
I actually CAN photograph okay without a strained smile when I'm happy. See?
Okay, so I had a few drinks in that photo. But still.
The photos that we took last year at Wal-Mart turned out great. No one cried. No one flipped out. No strained smiles!
I don't think we'll be getting photos done next year since Tom will be in Korea. I'm not going through the crying and screaming again. No thanks.
I'll just continue to take my own photos.
I mean, would Wal-Mart have been able to capture this moment?
Natalie got her head stuck. With no pants on because remember, she's going through a No Pants phase. She was all, "HELP ME! HELP ME! I STUCK!" The pink thing she has on is her jacket. She sometimes likes to wear it just because.
This jacket. And yes, she was ticked off in this photo. Much like she was at Wal-Mart, minus the screaming. She was all, "No pictures please. NO PICTURES PLEASE!" Thank goodness she wasn't born to famous parents. I imagine if we were followed by the Paparazzi she'd hurl a shoe at them or something and scream, "NO PICTURES!" She'd be dubbed Crabby Natalie and Perez Hilton would claim she was like this because we pawned her off on nannies. Then I'd be all, "No, actually that's just her personality. Thanks."
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