Friday, July 10, 2009

San Diego part 2 - July 4th - Padres Game

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Here is round two...we are still on the fourth and then there is the green shirt day and a small sampling of the padres game. I am going to add my last one below. I do hope you enjoy my pictures. I can't wait for you to see the zoo ones. Remember I was in meetings most of the time so pictures reflect what I saw the most of....Alabama delegates. I wish I had had a few days of just sight seeing....when I remembered my camera...which I forgot on Coronado Island day. I still have some pictures to upload from my little pocket Nikon...I will get to that soon.
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Have a great day. My sweetie is taking me to the movies tonight to see Ice Age 3 in 3D. Ya just got to love this man...who else would let me go across the country for 8long days and take care of my parents while I am gone...He definitely earns jewels in his crown on a daily basis...and I love him for it.

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