I won two tickets to see Beehive Friday night at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. My friend Mary is going with me and I am so excited. We left Alex City about 4:30 and headed to Montgomery to see the play. I could hardly contain my excitement. We ate supper at Chik-fil-a. I have discovered some things I can eat there and still maintain a caloric count of 1200 calories. So we had a grilled chicken garden salad with berry balsamic dressing and it was yummy. I don't eat the tomatoes, sunflower seeds, or croutons...and we split one package of the dressing. We arrived at the Shakespeare Festival and I found J.T and Leanne from Mix103 and claimed my tickets. The seats looked good and they were. We were 8 rows from the stage in seats 10 and 12. We could see it all. As the other winners gathered it was fun meeting all the other winners and the grand prize winner sat behind us. She won a trip to the Day Spa because she was able to put her hair up in the best beehive. I could not do that...my hair is not long enough. The lights dimmed and the play began and we were taken on a trip back into the 1960's. When hair was high and music was music. I think I sang along to every song but one. My favorite scene was a bedroom one (don't get the wrong idea.) It was Christmas...and we were in Leslie Gore's room....and she was crying about "it being her party and she'd cry if she wants to." Brenda Lee came in and hurt her feelings and had to tell her,"I'm sorry, so sorry." Annette Funicello was there, Connie Stevens and Connie Francis....they sang all their best songs...and I was in heaven. You realize...I was under the age of 10 when these songs were popular....but I loved them. I had babysitters who listened to this music...and taught me how to dance the shag, mashed potatoes, the pony and a whole host of other dances. The end of the program brought me more up to speed. Women now had a voice, Kennedy was dead,Camelot was over, Vietnam was going strong. I had really arrived on the scene. This WAS my era of music. I was 15 when Woodstock took place and had planned to run away and attend Woodstock. I was going to hitchhick. My only drawback was I was terrified of my parents....so I stayed put in Florida....Woodstock went on without me. I had to hear Janis sing "Me and Bobby McGee on vinyl." Beehive was really a wonderful evening. If you get a chance to go see it you should If you are a fan of 60's music...this is for you. If you would hear a snippet of the play go to the
Beehive My Space link.
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